VBA Code:
Sub CalculateAge()
Dim birthDate As Date
Dim todayDate As Date
Dim ageYears As Integer
Dim ageMonths As Integer
Dim ageDays As Integer
' Get the birth date from a cell or provide it directly
birthDate = Range("A1").Value ' Replace "A1" with the cell reference that contains the birth date
' Get the current date
todayDate = Date
' Calculate the age
ageYears = DateDiff("yyyy", birthDate, todayDate)
ageMonths = DateDiff("m", birthDate, todayDate) Mod 12
ageDays = DateDiff("d", birthDate, todayDate)
' Display the age
MsgBox "Age: " & ageYears & " years, " & ageMonths & " months, " & ageDays & " days"
End Sub