Extracting text from a PDF file directly using VBA in Excel is not a built-in functionality. However, you can achieve this by utilizing third-party libraries or tools. One popular library is “Adobe Acrobat” that provides an API called “Adobe Acrobat DC SDK” which can be used to extract text from PDF files programmatically.
Here’s an example of VBA code that uses the Adobe Acrobat library to extract text from a PDF file:
VBA Code:
Sub ExtractTextFromPDF()
Dim acApp As Object ' Adobe Acrobat application object
Dim acDoc As Object ' Adobe Acrobat document object
Dim acPage As Object ' Adobe Acrobat page object
Dim text As String ' Variable to store extracted text
' Create new instances of Adobe Acrobat objects
Set acApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
Set acDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
' Open the PDF file
If acDoc.Open("C:\Path\to\your\file.pdf") Then
' Extract text from each page
For i = 0 To acDoc.GetNumPages - 1
Set acPage = acDoc.AcquirePage(i)
text = text & acPage.GetWordText & vbCrLf
Next i
' Display the extracted text
MsgBox text
' Close the PDF file
MsgBox "Failed to open the PDF file."
End If
' Release the Adobe Acrobat objects
Set acPage = Nothing
Set acDoc = Nothing
Set acApp = Nothing
End Sub