Learn 8 Features that Make a Great Patent Translation Company

Outsourcing patent translation is very useful. However, the choice of translation service comes with a chance of ending up with on-budget delivery, on-time delivery, or another logistical nightmare. Apart from draining your budget, your company faces undue risk. It takes years or decades to develop a product and then bring it to the market successfully. All key phrases in your patent application require correct translation to save you time, money, and effort. 

Here’re Features that make a Great Patent Translation Partner 

1. Vetting and Selection of Translators

The right translation partner doesn’t just work with any translator. A strict vetting and selection process is essential to ensure that the translators match current industry standards. Professional patent translators undergo regular testing; have a proven track record in the industry, and are natives in the source language. 

Learn 8 Features that Make a Great Patent Translation CompanyThe ideal IP translator has extensive technical know-how in the patent field backed by appropriate use of language and correct grammar. A patent is a precise document and poor placement of a punctuation mark or word changes meaning in the entire text. Small language mistakes or errors in technical description harm the effectiveness of the whole document. 

2. Translation Quality Control Process

Reputable patent translate a rigorous quality control process. Each patent translation company has particular quality control measures that vary slightly. The translation service company should assign more than two sets of eyes to complete a project. You should partner with a company that maintains ISO 17100 certification; this is the standard for translation companies. Knowing the service provider’s quality control process allows estimating how much time to wait for your accurate translations. 

3. Process of Translator Placement

The company’s process of allocating translators to a particular project is very important. Apart from the industry background, the right translators need hands-on experience in your niche. It is very important to have translators with experience and knowledge about your niche to handle your work. This gives peace of mind that your translation is in the hands of experts who understand the nuances of the language. 

4. Beating Deadlines

It is very important to be sure when to expect your work after translation. The ideal translation service provider should have the capacity to have tasks and ensure they are ready on schedule. Choose a service provider with a pool of translators with expertise in particular industries and products. The right company should help you throughout the whole translation process with a team with a workflow aligned with yours. 

5. Security Measures in Place

Intellectual Property documentation includes valuable business secrets. Their exposure when in the wrong hands has disastrous consequences. You need a translation partner with security measures in place during data protection, file transfer, and file tracking. This is very important especially now that most workers are working from home. Your translation partner should maintain ISO 27001 certification as proof that their important business data is safe and secure throughout each stage.

6. Consistency is Key 

It is very important to have consistency across all documents. In fact, all your patent documents must not have room for interpretation. Word choice adds significance to have peace of mind that your IP is safe from any challenges. Some of the features necessary for a consistent process include glossaries, termbases, and translation memory tools. The tools save money by cutting the number of words for translating. 

7. Document Readiness

When selecting a translation partner, you have to work with one who will deliver documents ready for filing. Keep in mind that each patent office has particular requirements regarding acceptable file types and presentation of information in each document. The ideal translation partner should offer necessary assistance during direct filing and EP validation. Doing this right requires compliance with the standards of the appropriate patent office. It eliminates having to review and re-order your document structure. Having your documents accepted immediately saves time and money. 

8. Relevant Industry Experience

Patent translation companies are not made the same. The rule of thumb is to work with a translation partner with a dedicated team of translators with relevant experience in your industry. This ensures that your documents are in the hands of native translators who understand the nuances of the language. 

Working with experts eliminates any chances of disputes that result from inconsistencies in the translation. These are likely to be discovered in many years. Some companies without industry experience encourage guesswork with service quality. You have to work with an organization having a proven track record of industries. 

Bottom Line

Quality is paramount when handling patent documentation. Ensure to find a company with translators having relevant Christian experience to offer timely delivery. The translators should work under stringent security protocol to offer quality translation that matches industry standards. 

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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