How to use Forecast Formula in Excel in (Hindi)

The FORECAST function in Excel is used to predict a future value by using linear regression. In other words, FORECAST projects a future value along a line of best fit based on historical data. Watch This Video to Learn        

Match 2 Data in Excel || Compare 2 Data in Excel || Compare Two Lists in Excel (in Hindi)

Match 2 Data in Excel Compare 2 Data in Excel Compare Two Lists in Excel (in Hindi)

Here in this video, i have explained that how to compare two data lists in excel and extract the unmatched data in a new sheet. so watch this video completely to learn how to match 2 data in an excel sheet. Watch This Video to Learn      

Excel Pivot Table with If-Else( ) Formula and Condition Formatting in Pivot Table

pivot table in excel

Here i will show you how to use the if-else formula in Pivot Table in Excel and also how to use Condition Formatting in Pivot Table. Watch This Video to Learn