Application of Big Six Information Skills in Education

Facing problems in the acquiring of education is not a new thing. Many students face such problems, and get over them through strategic applications. Yet the method applied by every student can be different. But as you know, majority is the authority. Therefore, we have conducted a study on London School of Economics and Political Sciences’ students. We asked students about the methods they apply for overcoming a problem in the study. The application of big six information skills model was the most common answer that we got.

We also found out that a reasonable number of students didn’t know about this model. You’re also possibly one of those students. If you face such problems don’t worry. Because today’s article will discuss this model in detail. It will also discuss how students can apply this model in terms of their educational problems. But before moving towards the main topic, let’s introduce this model a little bit.

What Is The Big Six Information Skills Model?

Application of Big Six Information Skills in EducationThe two researchers, Eisenberg and Berkowitz, formulated this model in 1990. It is a six-step model that can be applied for solving information-based problems. It doesn’t matter what your field is. Because anyone who encounters an information-based problem can apply this model. Students, particularly, can make extensive use of this model to overcome their school problems. The name of this model is different in different skills. Some call it information literacy or inquiry model, whereas others call it research skills, or the big six information skills model. But the name Big6 is known by almost everyone.

Importance of the Big6

Information skills are essential for today’s learners. This is because they promote the problem-solving approaches, and thinking skills of students. By applying those skills, students will be able to work on their problems efficiently as well. These skills help the students find information, form opinions, evaluate sources, and in making the decision to become successful learners.

The Big6 Model

It is a six-step model with two subclasses for each step, as described earlier. Top coursework writers who have practical experience of the implementation of this model and their application in education, they have explained this model is as follows;

1. Task Definition

The first skill in the big six information skills domain is that of task definition. Students must define the task first. Because without knowing the task, how can students proceed with the rest of the problem? In defining the task, students must also pay attention to further two things. The real application of this model is coming now.

The big6 model tells you to define the information problem first, and identify the information required next. For example, students are assigned to write an assignment on the world’s highest mountains. This is an information-based problem. The first thing here is defining the problem, and then identifying the information needed. Students know that the assignment is on mountains, and that they need information on the world’s highest mountains from the topic. This is how task definition works in the educational domain.

2. Information Seeking Strategies

The next step pertains to information-seeking strategies. This step holds immense importance in the big six information skills. It directly tells students about determination of all sources for solving the problem at hand. In the first step, students identified the task. Now they need to solve it, and ensure the best possible result. This is only possible through application of the right strategies.

The big6 model will enable students to determine all the possible sources, and select the best ones. In simple words, it will be like a methodology of students. For example, to solve the assignment of mountains as mentioned above, the student will conduct research on the internet. He will find tons of data on the internet for solving this problem. The big6 skills will then help the student in selecting the best source based on the issue.

3. Location and Access

The 3rd step of the big six information skills model is accessing knowledge related to the problem. Students know the problem and the best sources where they can find the information. Now the problem is how one can find information related to the topic. This is where location, and access come into play. These aspects help you in locating relative information within the sources.

For example, students have selected a book as their source of information. A book contains loads of information on different topics. Thus, big6 will enable students to locate correct information about the problem they’re facing.

4. Use of Information

After students have accessed right information about the topic, what’s next? The next phase is extracting all the relevant information effectively. The big six information skills will help you in pulling this information out of your source. Furthermore, students can also read, hear, or view all the information gathered within this context. It will allow them to ensure a deeper understanding as well before they formally start working on their problem.

5. Synthesis

The 5th skill in the big six information skills is that of synthesis stage. Students organise all the data, and begin solving the problem at this stage. In the case of an assignment, we can say that they start writing it. The synthesis skills enable students to organise data from multiple sources, and finally present it in the form of a document.

6. Evaluation

The last skill of the big six information skills is that of evaluation. By now the students have solved the problem, and given it a documented form. The next phase relates to evaluation of the written document for any errors, and mistakes. It enables students to judge both effectiveness, and efficiency of the document. For example, in an assignment of the world’s highest mountains, students can look for mistakes related to figures associated with the heights of mountains. Thus, the evaluation skill allows students to look for mistakes, and to remove them from their manuscripts as well.


The importance of the big six information skills is no less than the importance of a degree in education. Students must take this model into consideration for performing better in their school-based problems. The Big6 model is not the only model being used in terms of education. Many other models are in use as well. Yet this one is commonly used within the educational domain. The popularity of this model comes from its ease of application. All in all, the big6 is easy, efficient, and reliable. Students can use this model for better learning, and growth purposes as well.

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website ( and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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