[Download] All Fruits Name in English | Fruits Name in Hindi and English | फलों के नाम

Guys, are you looking for Fruits Name in English or Fruits Name in Hindi? then you are in the right place now. in this article I will share your all-fruits name list with the fruits pictures.

Fruits Name in English Fruits Name in Hindi and English

Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)

Everybody loves to eat fruits but we regularly use limited fruits because it depends on your area of locality. Normally when seasonal fruits come on trees then the local public avail of the benefits of fruits, and if the quantity of fruits is over then more exporters start exporting the fruits to other countries or start selling to other cities. so in this article, we will discuss lots of things and facets about fruits.

List of All Fruits Name In Hindi-English (फलों के नाम)

Names Of Fruits With Picture

Fruit Picture Fruits Name in English Fruits Name in Hindi
Apple (एप्पल) सेब (Seb)
Orange (ऑरेंज) संतरा (Santra)
banana Banana (बनाना) केला (Kela)
Coconut (कोकोनट) नारियल (Nariyal)
Guava (गुआवा) अमरुद (Amrud)
Lemon (लेमन) नींबू (Nimboo)
Watermelon (वाटरमेलन) तरबूज (Tarbooj)
Almond (आलमंड) बादाम (Badam)
Avocado (एवोकाडो) मक्खनफल (Makkhanphal)
Wood Apple (वुड एप्पल) बेल (Bel)
Apricots (एप्रिकोट्स) खुबानी (Khubanee)
Pineapple (पाइनएप्पल) अनानास (Ananas)
Papaya (पपाया) पपीता (Papita)
Mango (मैंगो) आम (Aam)
Blueberry (ब्लुबेर्री) नीलबदरी (Neelbadri)
Breadfruit (ब्रेडफ्रूट) विलायती फल (Vilayti Phal)
Cashews (कश्यु) काजू (Kaju)
Barberry (बारबेर्री) दारुहल्दी (Daruhaldi)
Black Currant (ब्लैक करंट) फालसेब (Falseb)
Blackberry (ब्लैकबेरी) जामुन (Jamun)
Cherry (चेरी) चेरी फल (Cheri Phal)
Custard Apple Custard Apple (कस्टर्ड एप्पल) शरीफा (Sharifa)
Date Fruit Date Fruit (डेट फ्रूट) खजूर (Khajoor)
Jackfruit Jackfruit (जैकफ्रूट) कटहल (Kathal)
Kumquat Kumquat (कम्क्वॉट) संतरे जैसा फल (Santre Jaisa Phal)
Lychee Lychee (लीची) लीची (Lichee)
Dragon Fruit Dragon Fruit (ड्रैगन फ्रूट) ड्रैगन फल (Dragon Phal)
Fig Fruit Fig Fruit (फिग फ्रूट) अंजीर का फल (Anjir Ka Phal)
Gooseberry Gooseberry (गूसबेर्री) करोंदा (Karonda)
Olive Fruit Olive Fruit (ओलिव फ्रूट) जैतून का फल (Jaitun Ka Phal)
Peach Peach (पीच) आडू (Aaadu)
Pear Pear (पियर) नाशपाती (Nashpati)
Grapefruit Grapefruit (गरैपफ्रूट) चकोतरा (Chakotara)
Grapes Grapes (ग्रैप्स) अंगूर (Angur)
Macadamia Nut Macadamia Nut (मकाडेमिया नट्स) एक प्रकार का अखरोट (Akhrot)
Mulberry Mulberry (मुल्बेर्री) शहतूत (Shahtoot)
Akhrot Nut (नट) अखरोट (Akhrot)
Sapota Sapota (सपोता) चीकू (Chiku)
Starfruit Starfruit (स्टारफ्रूट) कमरख (Kamrakh)
Sweet Lime Sweet Lime (स्वीट लाइम) मौसंबी (Mosambi)
Muskmelon Muskmelon (मस्कमेलन) खरबूजा (Kharbuja)
Prickly Pear Prickly Pear (प्रिक्क्ली पीयर) कांटेदार नाशपाती (Kantedaar Nashpati)
Jujube Jujube (जुजुबे) बेर (Ber)
Strawberry Strawberry (स्ट्रॉबेरी) स्ट्रॉबेरी (Strawberry)
Tamarind Tamarind (टैमरिंड) इमली (imali)
Water Caltrop Water Caltrop (वाटर केल्टरोप) सिंघाड़ा (Singhara)
Acai Berry Acai Berry (एकै बेर्री) काला जामुन (Kala Jamun)
Pistachio Pistachio (पिस्ताचियो) पिस्ता (Pista)
Plum Plum (पल्म) बेर (Ber)
Pomegranate Pomegranate (पोमेग्रेनेट) अनार (Anaar)
Pomelo Pomelo (पोमेलो) चकोतरा (Chakotra)
Raisins Raisins (रेसिंस) किशमिश (Kishmish)
Passion Fruit Passion Fruit (पैशन फ्रूट) कृष्णा फल (Krishna Phal)
Palm Fruit Palm Fruit (पाल्म फ्रूट) ताड़ का फल (Tad Ka Phal)
Malay Apple Malay Apple (मलय एप्पल) हरा जामुन, जाम्बु (Hara Jamun, Jambu)
Cashew Apple Cashew Apple (कैशेव एप्पल) काजू फल (Kaju Phal)
Quince Quince (क़ुइंस) श्रीफल, शफरफल (Shriphal, Safarphal)
Sugar Cane Sugar Cane (सुगर केन) गन्ना (Ganna)
Kiwi Kiwi (कीवी) कीवी (kiwi)
Loquat Loquat (लोकट) लोकत (Lokat)
Malta Fruit Malta Fruit (माल्टा फ्रूट) माल्टा (Malta)
Mimusops Mimusops (मिमुसोप्स) खिरनी (Khirni)
Dates Dates (डेट्स) खजूर (Khajur)
Persimmon Persimmon (पर्सीम्मोन) तेंदू फल (Tendu Phal)
Raspberry Raspberry (रास्पबेरी) रसभरी (Rasbhari)
Red Banana Red Banana (रेड बनाना) लाल केला (Lal Kela)
Soursop Fruit Soursop Fruit (सौरसोप फ्रूट) सीताफल (Sitaphal)
Goji Berry Goji Berry (गोजी बेर्री) गोजी बेर (Goji Ber)
Honeyberry Honeyberry (हनी बेर्री) हनी बेर (Honey Ber)
Huckleberry Huckleberry (हकलबेरी) हकलबेरी (Huckleberry)
Jabuticaba Jabuticaba (जबुतिकाबा) जबुतिकाबा (Jabutikaba)
Kiwano Kiwano (किवानो) किवानो (Kiwano)
Elderberry Elderberry (एल्डरबेर्री) एल्डरबेर्रिज (Elderberry)
Monk Fruit Monk Fruit (मोंक फ्रूट) साधू फल (Sadhu Phal)
Makoy Fruit Makoy Fruit (मकोय फ्रूट) रसभरी (Rasbhari)
Cloudberry Cloudberry (क्लाउडबेर्री) क्लाउड बेर्री (Cloudberry)
Cranberry Cranberry (क्रैनबेर्री) क्रैनबेर्री (Cranberry)
Nance Nance (नैन्स) नैंस (Nains)
Pineberry Pineberry (पाइनबेर्री) पाइन बेरी (Pine Berry)
Salak Salak (सालक) सलाक (Salak)
Damson Damson (डैमसन) झार्बर (Jharber)
Feijoa Feijoa (फेजोवा) फेजोवा (Feijoa)
Mangosteen Mangosteen (मैंगोस्टीन) मैंगोस्टीन (Mangosteen)
Miracle Fruit Miracle Fruit (मिरेकल फ्रूट) चमत्कारी फल (Chamatkari Phal)
Satsuma Satsuma (सतसुमा) सतसुमा (Satsuma)
Star Apple Star Apple (स्टार एप्पल) सितारा सेब (Sitara Seb)
Surinam Cherry Surinam Cherry (सूरीनाम चेरी) सूरीनाम चेरी (Surinam Cherry)
Tamarillo Tamarillo (टमारिल्लो) टमारिल्लो (Tamarillo)
Kadamba Fruit Kadamba Fruit (कदम्ब फ्रूट) कदम्ब फल (Kadamba Phal)
Jicama Fruit Jicama Fruit (जिकामा फ्रूट) जिका फल (Jika Phal)
Grewia Asiatica Grewia Asiatica (ग्रेविया एशितिका) फालसा (Phalsa)
Limonia Acidissima Limonia Acidissima (लिमोनिया एसिडीस्सिमा) कैथा (Kaitha)
Black Nightshade Black Nightshade (ब्लैक नाईटशेड) मकोय (Makoy)
Pithecellobium Dulce Pithecellobium Dulce (पिथ्सल्लोबियम द्ल्स) जंगल जलेबी (Jungle Jalebi)
Monkey Fruit Monkey Fruit (मंकी फ्रूट) बरहल (Barhal)
Mandarin Mandarin (मन्द्रिन) किन्नू (Kinnu)
Ugli Fruit Ugli Fruit (अगली फ्रूट) अगली फल (Ugli Fruit)
Palmyra Fruit Palmyra Fruit (पल्मयरा फ्रूट) ताड़ का फल (Tad Ka Phal)
Sweet Potato Sweet Potato (स्वीट पोटैटो) शकरकंद (Shakarkand)

So, guys, this was the list of all types of fruits name in Hindi and English with pictures. with the help of picture you can understand the fruits name easily. i have created a very easy list for your comfort so that you can check the image of fruit and learn the name very well.

Here is the download list of Fruits Name in Hindi and English

Fruits Name list in Excel

Fruits Name list in PDF

Benefits Of Fruits (फल खाने के फायदे)

Most of the people eat limited fruits, like apples, bananas, guava or a little more 2-3 fruits only. but if you want to be healthy then you should eat every fruit of every season. because fruits provide us lots of energy, vitamins, calcium, and much more. so it will be better to eat most of the fruits of every season. Vitamins and calcium help us to fight diseases. let me explain to you few examples of fruit benefits for health.

  • Frits of all i would like to explain to you about kiwi fruit. this fruit helps us to increase platelets in our body which helps us to fight typhoid and another disease.
  • Then apple is a very amazing fruit which we should eat one apple every day. the doctor also says that “One apple a day keeps the doctor away”
  • Papaya helps us to keep our stomach fine and a healthy stomach helps us to fight disease very well.
  • Dates fruit also helps us increase our stamina power which helps us to be fit and healthy.
  • Grapes increase vitamins and minerals in our body which helps us to fight disease and keeping us healthy.
  • and now finally i want to say to you that every fruit helps us to fight disease and keeps us healthy, so start eating every fruit from today because every fruit is important for us.

Scientific proven Fruit And Vegetable Benefits (in Hindi) 


Conclusion about fruits

So, friends i hope you loved this post as i have shared with you, i have tried my best to make you understand about fruits with the given name in English and as well as in Hindi also, also i have collected images of the fruits from the internet and provided to you so that you can understand the fruits name and image easily. so start eating a maximum of fruits from now.

if you this post about “Fruits Name in Hindi and English” and Fruits name with pictures, then kindly share with your friends on Whatsapp or other social media platforms.


What is the English name of fruits?

Above i have given a 100 name list of fruits in English & Hindi language with images of fruits, so check the full list and you can download also the list in Excel & PDF.

What are the 10 most popular fruits in the world?

These are the 10 most popular fruits in the word-Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Mangoes, Guavas, Watermelons, Apples, Tomatoes, Plantains, Pineapples plz check the full detailed list in the article.


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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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