Guide on Static QR Codes

A QR Code reader can scan advanced barcodes quickly and easily. For those unfamiliar with QR Codes, there are two types: static and dynamic. Static QR Codes are basic, while dynamic QR Codes are more functional.

There are a lot of differences between the two QR Codes; each is used for different cases. This article aims to explain Static QR Codes in more detail so that you can understand their uses in particular. Let’s dive in!

What is a Static QR Code?

Static QR codes are QR codes that contain fixed information. Like other QR codes, Static QR codes provide information when scanned directly. A QR code is composed of various aligned white and black blocks. This pattern and alignment contain the information in a static QR code.

Guide on Static QR CodesStatic QR codes become more complex as more (and more complex) information is communicated through them. In most cases, static QR codes contain a URL as the encoded information. It is common for people to go from a QR code to a URL.

Let’s say that information (typically a URL) needs to be updated. As a result, the QR code’s pattern and alignment must be changed. Therefore any QR code previously printed will no longer be valid. When it comes to static QR codes, more information means a more complex code, while new or updated information means a new QR code.

What are Static QR Codes used for?

A QR code with fixed information may sound inconvenient. In the right circumstances, it could even be a disaster. However, a QR code has numerous uses that cannot be forgotten:

  • Information that shouldn’t be changed

Encrypted information such as employee numbers, access codes, and other sensitive information. However, a dynamic QR code can be just as secure as a static QR code while offering future flexibility. However, there may be instances where it is more confident to remove the option entirely to edit the code information.

  • Personal information

It is generally the case that personal information is relatively simple and that the medium through which the QR is presented is not revisited repeatedly. You can think of email signatures or paper resumes as examples. Your old email or resume isn’t typically re-read by people. In addition, QR codes shouldn’t be tracked with personal information. In comparison to static QR codes, dynamic QR codes can do that.

What content can be stored in Static QR Codes?

A Static QR Code can store the following content.:

  • URL: Redirects the user to a web page
  • Text: Display simple text material like a message, promo code, or serial number
  • Contact Details: Provides contact information, as well as the ability to save you as a contact
  • Wifi Credentials: Wifi can be accessed by Android devices. It is possible to view network names and passwords on iOS devices.
  • Maps location: Shows location on Google Maps
  • Calendar Event: Prompts the user to save an event (with details) to their phone calendar
  • Phone number: Prompts user to dial the number
  • Bitcoin Address: This displays the address of your Bitcoin wallet
  • PayPal Payment: Directs the user to a PayPal page to make a payment

What are the Advantages of using Static QR Codes?

In this section, we will apprise you of the advantages of static quick response codes. So, let’s get to the details:

  • A good internet connection is not a prerequisite

In addition to being able to encode information directly, static QR Codes may not necessarily contain web content. In other words, when you use Static QR Codes, such as serial numbers and text messages, there is no need for an internet connection (Wifi or mobile data) to access the information encoded. You must scan the QR Code with your smartphone, and you can see the content.

  • You can create static QR codes in bulk.

Imagine needing more than a hundred QR Codes to complete your task. It is not possible to create QR Codes one by one. This task will consume your time and effort. Creating thousands of Static QR Codes with a professional bulk QR Code generator tool like DNS Checker is easy.

  • Add a design to your QR Code.

In the same way, Dynamic QR Codes can be customized. Static QR Codes can also be customized. In addition, you can add your company’s logo, change the background image, and change the pattern of the data modules and the eyes, among other options.

So, you can easily scan QR codes and create artwork from Static QR Codes.


In this article, we have discussed that we have greatly benefited from QR codes in our daily work. All we need to do is scan the QR code with a QR code reader, which will provide you with all the information. As mentioned above, the static QR code is very beneficial in providing ease to consumers.

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website ( and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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