6 Practical Tips to Start a Sustainable Business

To do anything, we learn it. So is the business case. If you have plans to start a business, it’s crucial to find practical ways to run a sustainable business. Before we get started, let us see why it’s essential to prepare yourself before you take the ride. We all want to own a business. We all want to become our boss. But sadly, about 90% of us never even give it a try. Do you know why? There are many reasons, but the biggest reason behind this lack of confidence. Robert Kiyosaki, a billionaire, and financial consultant says our school is not preparing our youth for Business. But they are preparing job-minded people.

6 Practical Tips to Start a Sustainable BusinessSo as we are never taught to run businesses and be our own boss. Thus we never find it easy to start it. Here lack of confidence means we believe that we might meet a significant loss. But we never think of a solution. Luckily, as you are here to research and sort out the essential things to start your business, that means you are looking for the solution. And this knowledge won’t let you loose. So here are the useful tips for your business.

6 Practical Tips to Start a Sustainable Business

1. Be Prepared

About 50% of the small businesses fail in the first 4 to 5 years. According to Sturdy Business, the biggest reason behind any business failure is lack of knowledge. So if you are looking for a sustainable business, it’s one of the essential things to keep in mind. Be very well-prepared for everything you do.

For example, check out this example to see what preparing means. You have a product that you want to sell in the market. You need to prepare the following things to sell your stuff.

  1. Location: Where shall you sell it. Does this market have your customers?
  2. Competition: How much competition is there in the market? Can you complete with them?
  3. Marketing: How shall you market your stuff?
  4. Retention: Why shall your buyer come to you?
  5. Parking: Do you have a parking place?
  6. Expenses: What will be your daily expenses?
  7. Cost: How much shall it cost you at the end.
  8. Profit: How much profit shall you keep?
  9. Price: After all that, the price you set, is there competition in the market?

There could be many other things to research if the product is not that simple. So prepare everything before you even start it.

2. Business Plan

The other most important thing is creating a business plan. A business plan clears everything regarding your business. With a business plan, you see what you will achieve in the following months or years. Preparing a business could be a bit technical, but if you are not good at it, it’s far better to get assistance from any external consultant. According to SturdyBusiness.com, there are 7 more benefits of hiring an external consultant than hiring an internal consultant. An external consultant will charge your one-time fee and prepare a highly professional plan for your business that will make everything clear to you. However, keep in mind that your plan should be well-research and based on realities.

For example, if you believe that you will sell your product at $100 but your competitor is offering the same product at $20. It’s not a good business plan.

3. Business Strategy

By business strategy, we mean looking at the more extensive view of the picture. Where do you see your business after 10 years? And how shall you get that goal? The best benefit of having a business strategy is that you become very clear about your business values. What you should do and what you won’t do in your business life span.

For example, if you have plans to become a brand in the following decade. You must know that without a great product, you can’t become a brand. So your top priority will be to offer a fantastic product to your customers.

4. Get Experienced

There is no alternative to experience. If you have experience in something, you get so much confidence that you can blindly get into it. That’s why you see that most people start businesses in the fields where they have already worked.

For example, I notice that many employees working in electronics companies start their electronics startups later on. Working in a company gives you all the required details. What you should do and what should not? When it’s successful and what brings failure. Whom you should hire and what you should ask them to do. What are the most important things you should prioritize? And many more. So if you have time, it’s better to go and work for a similar company you aimed for.

5. Legal Documentation

Before getting started, the first step you should take is to complete legal documentation. Being a legal business has enormous benefits. It will help you lower your taxes and many other things.

6. Finances

Lack of finances is the other top reason behind the failure of small businesses. Brian Tracy – a business consultant – has said that you should keep finances for the 6 months’ business expenses once you start a business. That means it’s not essential that you make profits from your business from the day or first month. It can take a couple of months and sometimes years to get business in profit. In that case, if you don’t have the finances to run your business for at least 6 months. Indeed, you will face many troubles. At least, you will compromise on many things that you shouldn’t do.

For example, once you face financial issues. You might need to downsize your business or compromise the marketing expenses. Or anything else. In all such cases, it won’t grow as it was capable of. So if you want to run a sustainable business, other than excellent research, finances should be your top priority.


Starting a business is the dream of everyone, but not every one of us creates it. There are many reasons behind the failure of a company, but the biggest ones are lack of research and lack of finances. If you want to start a sustainable startup or a company, we have shared the best tips to follow and run a successful company.

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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