VBA Code:
Sub ExportToCSV()
Dim rng As Range
Dim filePath As String
Dim cellData As String
Dim fileNumber As Integer
' Set the range of cells to export to CSV
Set rng = Range("A1:C10") ' Change the range as desired
' Set the file path for the CSV file
filePath = "C:\Data\export.csv" ' Change the file path as desired
' Open the CSV file for writing
fileNumber = FreeFile
Open filePath For Output As fileNumber
' Loop through each row in the range
For Each Row In rng.Rows
' Loop through each cell in the row
For Each cell In Row.Cells
' Get the cell data and write it to the CSV file
cellData = cell.Value
Print #fileNumber, cellData;
Next cell
' Move to the next line in the CSV file
Print #fileNumber, ""
Next Row
' Close the CSV file
Close fileNumber
' Inform the user that the data has been exported
MsgBox "Data exported to CSV file successfully."
End Sub