VBA Code:
' VBA Code to Import Data from an XML File into Excel
Sub ImportDataFromXML()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim xmlFilePath As String
Dim xmlDoc As Object
Dim xmlRoot As Object
Dim xmlNode As Object
Dim row As Long
' Set the worksheet to import the data
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Replace with the name of your worksheet
' Specify the path of the XML file to import data from
xmlFilePath = "C:\Path\to\your\XML\File.xml" ' Replace with the path of your XML file
' Clear the existing data in the worksheet
' Create a new XML document object
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
' Load the XML file
If xmlDoc.Load(xmlFilePath) Then
' Get the root element of the XML document
Set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.DocumentElement
' Set the initial row for writing the data
row = 1
' Loop through the child nodes of the root element
For Each xmlNode In xmlRoot.ChildNodes
' Write the node values to the worksheet
ws.Cells(row, 1).Value = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("NodeName1").Text ' Replace with the appropriate node name
ws.Cells(row, 2).Value = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("NodeName2").Text ' Replace with the appropriate node name
' Add more lines for additional node values
' Increment the row counter
row = row + 1
Next xmlNode
' Display an error message if the XML file couldn't be loaded
MsgBox "Failed to load XML file."
End If
' Format the imported data if needed
' Display a message
MsgBox "Data has been imported from the XML file."
End Sub