Tally Prime Dynamic GST invoice TDL file

नमस्कार दोस्तों आज हम एक ऐसे TDL फाइल के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे ,जिसकी मदद से आप अपने Tally Prime में Dynamic GST Invoice Print कर  सकते है तो चलिए देखते हैं कि हम कैसे उपयोग कर सकते हैं इस TDL फ़ाइल का tally prime में ?

Dynamic GST Invoice TDL Code


[#Part: VTYP BehaviourMain]
Option : MICS Vch Type Confirmation: @@IsMICSInv

[!Part : MICS Vch Type Confirmation]
Add : Line : After : VTYP PrintSave :MICS Confirm Vch Type

[Line : MICS Confirm Vch Type]
Field : Long Prompt, Logical Field
Local : Field : Long Prompt : Set as : “Print Dynamic GST Format?”
Local : Field : Long Prompt : Width : @@LongWidth
Local : Field : Logical Field : Storage : MICSMICSFormat

[System : Formula]
IsMICSInv : $$IsSales:$Parent
IsMICSCustomFormat : $MICSMICSFormat:VoucherType:$VoucherTypeName

[System : UDF]
MICSMICSFormat : Logical : 0001

[#Form : Sales Color]
Option: MICS MICS Invoice: @@IsMICSCustomFormat

[!Form:MICS MICS Invoice]
Delete : Print
Add : Print : MICS Custom Invoice

[Report :MICS Custom Invoice]
Use : Printed Invoice
Delete: Form : Printed Invoice
Form : MICS Custom Invoice

[Form:MICS Custom Invoice]
Space Top : 0.25 inch
Space Right : 0.25 inch
Space Left : 0.50 inch
Space Bottom: 0.25 inch

Part: MICS Opening Page Break, MICS Invoice Body

Bottom Part:MICS GST analisys Bankdetails ledgerentries, MICSInvoiceAmtwordandamount, MICSSingnatureClosingBalanceTerms,MICSJuri;;MICS Invoice Total, MICS Sing Off, MICS Terms, MICS Age, MICS Jurisdiction

[Part:MICS Closing Page Break]
Lines :MICS Closing Page Break Line

[Line: MICS Closing Page Break Line]
Fields : Simple Field
Local : Field: Simple Field : Set As : “Continued…”
Local : Field: Simple Field : FullWidth : Yes
Local : Field: Simple Field : Align : Right
Border : Full Thin Top

[Part:MICS Opening Page Break]
Part: MICS Invoice Title, MICS Invoice Company Details, MICS Invoice Customer Details, MICS Custom Message, MICS Body Coloumns Title
Vertical: Yes

[Part: MICS Invoice Title]
Line: MICS Invoice Title
Border: Thick Cover

[Line:MICS Invoice Title]
Field: Simple Field
Right Field:Name Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: “TAX INVOICE”
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: Large BOLD
Local: Field: Simple Field: Space Left: 35
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as:If @@GetCopyNum = 1 Then “ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT” Else +
If @@GetCopyNum = 2 Then $$LocaleString:”DUPLICATE FOR SUPPLIER” Else +
If @@GetCopyNum = 3 Then $$LocaleString:”TRIPLICATE FOR TRANSPOTER” Else +
If @@GetCopyNum = 4 Then $$LocaleString:”EXTRA COPY” Else $$LocaleString:”EXTRA COPY”

Space Top: 0.25
Space Bottom: 0.25

[Part:MICS Invoice Company Details]
Line: MICS Company Name, MICS Company Address, MICS CMP Contact Details

Border: Thick Cover

[Line: MICS Company Name]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: @@CmpMailName
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:MICS
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Space Top: 0.25

[Line:MICS Company Address]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $$FullList:CompanyAddress:$Address
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width:Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:MICS9
Local: Field: Name Field: Line:0

[Line:MICS CMP Contact Details]
Field: Medium Prompt, Simple Field, Simple Prompt, Name Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Contact No”
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: MICS9B
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: MICS9
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $PhoneNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany +” “+ $MobileNumbers:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “PAN No.”
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Space Left: 5
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: MICS9
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $IncomeTaxNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany

[Part:MICS Invoice Customer Details]
Left Part: MICS Customer Details Left
Right Part: MICS Invoice Details
Border: Thick Cover

[Part:MICS Customer Details Left]
Line: MICS Customer Side Title,MICS Customer Name, MICS Customer Address,MICS Customer State Name, MICS Customer GST No, MICS Customer Contact
Width:50% Page

[Line:MICS Customer Side Title]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: “Details for Buyer (Billed & Shipped To )”
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:MICS9B
Space Top: 0.50

[Line:MICS Customer Name]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $PartyLedgerName
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Stylep:MICS9B
Space Top:0.25

[Line:MICS Customer Address]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $$FullList:BasicBuyerAddress:$BasicBuyerAddress
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Line: 0
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:MICS9

[Line:MICS Customer State Name]
Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: “State Name”+” : “+ $StateName +” “+ “Code :”+” “+ $$getgststatecode:@StateName
Local: Field: Simple Field: Local Formula:StateName : If NOT ($$IsEmpty:$StateName OR $$IsSysName:NotApplicable:$StateName) Then $StateName Else $LedStateName:Ledger:@PartyName
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: MICS9

[Line:MICS Customer GST No]
Fields : Simple Prompt, Name Field
Local : Field : Simple Prompt: Set as : “Party GSTNo.:”
Local : Field : name Field : Set as : $PARTYGSTIN:Ledger:$LedgerName
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: MICS9

[Line:MICS Customer Contact]
Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: “Contact Details :”+” “+ @@VchContactNo
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: MICS9
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Part: MICS Custom Message]
Line: MICS Custom Message Title,MICS Custom message
Border: Thick Cover

[Part:MICS Invoice Details]
Line:MICS Invoice Number Date, MICS Delivery Challanno Date, MICS eWayBillNo, MICS Disptach Doc, MICS Destination, MICS LR No, MICS Order No, MICS Credit Days
Border: Thick Left
Common Border: Yes

[Line:MICS Invoice Number Date]
Field: Simple Prompt, Simple Field, Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “Invoice No :”
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Style: MICS9
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Width:10
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $VoucherNumber
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Simple Field: Width:12
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Date :”
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width:10
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: MICS9
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $Date
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Name Field: Width:12
Space Top:0.25
Space Bottom: 0.25
Border: Thick Bottom

[Line:MICS Delivery Challanno Date]
Use:MICS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “Challan No.:”
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Style:MICS9
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicShipDeliveryNote
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: MICS9B
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Date:”
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: MICS9
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BasicShippingDate

[Line:MICS eWayBillNo]
Use:MICS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “e-Way Bill No.:”

Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: If @@IsGSTewayApplicable Then @@GSTPrinteWayBillNumber Else +
If $$IsEmpty:$VATTransBillNo Then $UDFVATWayBillNo Else $VATTransBillNo

Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Date:”

Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $Date

[Line:MICS Disptach Doc]
Use:MICS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “Dispatch Doc No.:”
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicShipDocumentNo
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Destination.:”
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BasicFinalDestination;$BasicShippedBy

[Line:MICS Destination]
Use:MICS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “Through.:”
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicShippedBy
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Vehical No.:”
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BasicShipVesselNo

[Line:MICS LR No]
Use:MICS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “LR No.:”
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BillofLadingNo
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Date”
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BillofLadingDate

[Line:MICS Order No]
Use:MICS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “Order No.:”
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicPurchaseOrderNo
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Date:”
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BasicOrderDate

[Line:MICS Credit Days]
Field: Simple Prompt, Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: “Credit Days”
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Width: 10
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as:$BasicDueDateOfPymt
Local: Field: Simple Field: Width: 10
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style:MICS9B

[Part:MICS Body Coloumns Title]
Line: MICS Coloumns Title1, MICS Coloumns Title2
Border: Thick Cover
Common Border: Yes

[Line: MICS Coloumns Title1]
Use: MICS Invoice Body
Local: Field: Default: Type: String
Local: Field: Default: Style: MICS9B
Local: Field: Default: Align: Center

Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Set as: “Sr”
Local: Field: MICS Description:Set as:” Item “
Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Set as:”HSN”
Local: Field: MICS GST Per: Set as:”GST”
Local: Field: MICS Qty: Set as:”Qty”
Local: Field: MICS Rate: Set as:”Rate”
Local: Field:MICS Discount: Set as: “Dis”
Local: Field: MICS GrossAmt: Set as:”Gross”
Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Set as:”SGST”
Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Set as:”SGST”
Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Set as:”CGST”
Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Set as:”CGST”
Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Set as:”ISGT”
Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Set as:”IGST”
Local: Field:MICS Item Total: Set as: “Total”

[Line:MICS Coloumns Title2]
Use: MICS Invoice Body
Local: Field: Default: Type: String
Local: Field: Default: Style: MICS9B
Local: Field: Default: Align: Center
Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Set as: “No”
Local: Field: MICS Description:Set as:”Description”
Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Set as:”Code”
Local: Field: MICS GST Per: Set as:”%”
Local: Field: MICS Qty: Set as:””
Local: Field: MICS Rate: Set as:””
Local: Field:MICS Discount: Set as: “%”
Local: Field: MICS GrossAmt: Set as:”Amount”
Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Set as:”%”
Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Set as:”Amt”
Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Set as:”%”
Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Set as:”Amt”
Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Set as:”%”
Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Set as:”Amt”
Local: Field:MICS Item Total: Set as: “”
Border: Thick Bottom

[Part:MICS Invoice Body]
Line: MICS Invoice Body
Repeat:MICS Invoice Body: Inventory Entries
Bottom Line: MICS Coloumn Total
Border: Thick Cover
Scroll: Vertical
Float: No
Common Border: Yes

[Line: MICS Invoice Body]
Field: MICS SrNo, MICS Description
Right Field: MICS HSN Code, MICS GST Per, MICS Qty, +
MICS Rate, MICS Discount,MICS GrossAmt,MICS SGST Per, MICS SGST Amt, +

Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Width:2
Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Width:6
Local: Field: MICS GST Per: Width: 3
Local: Field: MICS Qty: Width:7
Local: Field: MICS Rate: Width: 7
Local: Field:MICS Discount: Width: 3
Local: Field: MICS GrossAmt: Width: 7
Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Width:3
Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Width: 7
Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Width:3
Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Width:7
Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Width:3
Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Width:7
Local: Field:MICS Item Total: Width: 8

Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Border: Thick Right
Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS GST Per: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS Qty: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS Rate: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field:MICS Discount: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS GrossAmt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field:MICS Item Total: Border: Thick Left

Space Top: 0.15

[Field:MICS SrNo]
Use: Simple Field
Set as: $$Line
Style: MICS9

[Field:MICS Description]
Use: Simple Field
Style: MICS9
Set as: if NOT $$IsSysName:$StockItemName then @@InvItemName else “”
Full Width: Yes
Line: 0

[Field:MICS HSN Code]
Use: Simple Field
Set as:$GSTItemHSNCodeEx
Style: MICS9

[Field:MICS GST Per]
Use: Simple Field
Set as:If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then “” Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx

[Field:MICS Discount]
Use: Number Field
Set as: “”
Set as: $Discount
Format : “NoZero,Percentage”

[Field:MICS Gross Amt]
Use:Amount Forex Field
Set as: $Amount
Style: MICS9

[Field:MICS Qty]
Use: Simple Field
Set as: $BilledQty

[Field:MICS Rate]
Use: Simple Field
Set as: $Rate

[Field:MICS SGST Per]
Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then “” Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx /2
Style: MICS9
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:MICS SGST Amt]
Use:Amount Field
Set as:$Amount * #MICSSGSTPer / 100
Style: MICS9
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:MICS CGST per]
Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then “” Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx /2
Style: MICS9
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:MICS CGST Amt]
Use: Amount Field
Set as:$Amount * #MICSCGSTper / 100
Style: MICS9
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:MICS IGST Per]
Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then “” Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx
Style: MICS9
Invisible: If @@SGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:MICS IGST Amt]
Use: Amount Field
Set as:$Amount * #MICSIGSTPer / 100
Style: MICS9
Invisible: If @@SGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:MICS Item Total]
Use: Amount Field
Set as: #MICSGrossAmt + #MICSCGSTAmt + #MICSSGSTAmt

Set Always: Yes

[Line:MICS Coloumn Total]
Use:MICS Invoice Body
Border: Thick Top Bottom

Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Set as: “”
Local: Field: MICS Description:Set as:”Total”
Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Set as:””
Local: Field: MICS GST Per: Set as:””
Local: Field: MICS Qty: Set as:””
Local: Field: MICS Rate: Set as:””
Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Set as:””
Local: Field:MICS Discount: Set as: “”
Local: Field:MICS Gross Amt: Set as: $$CollAmtTotal:InventoryEntries:$Amount
Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Type: String
Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Set as:$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:SGST1:$Amount
Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Set as:””
Local: Field: MICS CGST Per: Type: String
Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Set as:$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:CGST1:$Amount
Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Set as:””
Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Type: String
Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Set as:$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:IGST1:$Amount
Local: Field: MICS Item Total: Set as:#MICSGrossAmt + #MICSCGSTAmt + #MICSSGSTAmt + #MICSIGSTAmt

[System: Formula]
SGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:SGST1:$Amount
SGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:”SGST”

CGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:CGST1:$Amount
CGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:”CGST”

IGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:IGST1:$Amount
IGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:”IGST”

Round :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:Round1:$Amount
Round1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:”Round”

Font:Times New Roman

Bold: Yes

Font: Tiems New Roman
Bold: Yes

[Style: MICS]
Font: Times New Roman Pro Bold
Bold: Yes

[Part:MICS GST analisys Bankdetails ledgerentries]
Left Part:VCH GST AnalysisDetails
Right Part: MICSBankDetails, MICSLedgerEnteries
Border: Thick Cover
Common Border:Yes

[#Part:VCH GST AnalysisDetails]
Delete:Border : Thin Box

[#Part:VCH GST AnalysisDetails]
Width:50% Page

Use:EXPINV BankDetails
Border: Thick Left

[#Line: EXPINV BankTitle]

Fields : Simple Field
Local : Field : Simple Field : Set as : $$LocaleString:”Company’s Bank Details” ;;; To Display Company’s Bank Details
Local : Field : Simple Field : Full Width: Yes
Local : Field : Simple Field : Style:MICS9B
Space Top:0.5
Space Bottom:0.25

[#Line: EXPINV BankName]

Fields : Medium Prompt, EXPINV BankName
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:”Bank Name :” ;;; To Display Bank Name
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Width : 18% Page
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Style:MICS9B
Local : Field:EXPINV BankName:Style:MICS9

[#Line: EXPINV BankAccNo]

Fields : Medium Prompt, EXPINV BankAccountNo
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:”A/c No. :” ;;; To Display A/c No.
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Width : 18% Page
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Style:MICS9B
Local : Field:EXPINV BankAccountNo:Style:MICS9

[#Line: EXPINV BankBranchInfo]

Fields : Medium Prompt, EXPINV BankBranchName
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:”Branch & IFS Code :” ;;; To Display Branch & IFS Code
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Width : 18% Page
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Style:MICS9B
Local : Field:EXPINV BankBranchName:Style:MICS9

Repeat:MICSLedgerEnteries:Ledger Entries
Border: Thick Left
Common Border: Yes
;Scroll: Vertical
Float: No

Field: MICSLedgerName, MICSLedgerPercentage,MICSPercentageSing, MICSLedgerAmount
Remove if: $LedgerName = $PartyLedgerName

Set as : if ##SATCSDetails AND @@TaxLedgerHasTCS then $$LocaleString:”TCS : Income Tax” else +
if NOT $$IsSysName:$LedgerName then $LedgerName else “” ;;; used to print on invoice

Align : Right
FullWidth : Yes
AbatementVal: If $$Number:$STXAbatementRate = 0 Then $$String:”0″ Else $$String:$STXAbatementRate
LedNarr : (@@IsSales AND ##SALedgerNarr) OR (@@IsPurchase AND ##PULedgerNarr) AND $$Filtercount:LedgerEntries:LedgerNarrFltr > 0
Option : LeftAlignField : @@AcctsInvoice

Use : Rate Price Field
Type : Number
Align : Right
Format : “NoZero,Decimals:-1”
Set as : if ##SATCSDetails AND @@TaxLedgerHasTCS AND NOT $$IsSysName:$TDSRateName:Ledger:$LedgerName then @@TCSITTaxRate else +
Inactive : $$IsSysName:$LedgerName
Invisible : NOT @@InvWithRate
Border: Thick Left
Width: 4

Set as:if $$IsEmpty:$BasicRateOfInvoiceTax then “” else “%”
Set By Condition : @@TaxLedgerHasTCS AND NOT ($$IsSysName:$TDSRateName:Ledger:$LedgerName) : If $$IsEmpty:@@TCSITTaxRate Then “” Else “%”
Inactive : $$IsSysName:$LedgerName
Invisible : NOT @@InvWithRate
Width: 2

Use : Amount Forex Field
Set as : $$SignedAmount:$Amount:@@VchOpposite
Border: Thick Left
Align: Right
Width: 8

Left Part: MICSAmountinWord
Right Part:MICSInvoiceAmount
Border: Thick Cover
Common Border: Yes


Field: Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Amount In Words”
Local: Field: Medium Prompt:Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as:$$InWords:$Amount +” “+ “Only.”
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Line:0
Local: Field: Name Field:Style:MICS9
Space Top:0.25
Space Bottom:0.25


Field: Name Field, Amount Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: “Invoice Total”
Local: Field: Name Field: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: Name Field: Width:26.5
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Right
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as: $Amount
Local: Field: Amount Field: Width:8
Local: Field: Amount Field: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: Amount Field: Style:MICS9B
Space Top:0.25
Space Bottom:0.25

Left Part: MICSTermsandClosing
Right Part: MICSCustomer Signature, MICSSignature
Border:Thick Box

Part: MICSTermsPart, MICSClosing
Width:50% Page

Border: Thick Bottom

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field:Set as: “Enter Your Custom message”
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: MICS9B
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes

Line:MICSPreviuosOutstandingBalance, MICSCurrentInvoice, MICSTotalOutStanding

Field: Medium Prompt, Amount Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as:”Previous Bal.:”
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as:$$ToValue:($date-1):$ClosingBalance:Ledger:$$CollectionField:$LedgerName:1:LedgerEntries
Local: Field: Amount Field:Style:MICS9b
space Top:0.5

Field: Medium Prompt, Amount Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as:”Current Bill:”
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as:$Amount
Local: Field: Amount Field:Style:MICS9b

Field: Medium Prompt, Amount Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as:”Total Balance”
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style:MICS9B
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as:$$ToValue:$date:$ClosingBalance:Ledger:$$CollectionField:$LedgerName:1:LedgerEntries
Local: Field: Amount Field:Style:MICS9b

[Part:MICSCustomer Signature]
Line: For MICSCustomer Signature, MICSAcceptance
Border: Thick Left

[Line:For MICSCustomer Signature]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: “For” +” “+ @@SimpleOtherPartyName
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: MICS9B
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Space Top:0.5

Line: ForMICSSignature, MICSAuthorised
Border: Thick Left

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: “For” +” “+ @@CmpMailName
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: MICS9B
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Space Top:0.5

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: “AuthorizedSignatory”
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: MICS9B
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Space Top:3

[Line:MICS Custom Message Title]
Field: Simple Field
Right Field:Name Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: “Enter Your Custom Message”
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: Normal BOLD
Local: Field: Simple Field: Space Left: 40
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Line:MICS Custom Message]
Field: Simple Field
Left Field:Name Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: “Enter Your Custom Message”
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: Normal
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

Line:MICS Jurisdiction
[Line:MICS Jurisdiction]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: “Subject to Ranchi Jurisdiction”
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: “Set Your Custom Message Here”
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: MICS9
Local: Field: Name Field: Line:0
Space Top:3


Step 2: अब above code को Save करने के बाद Tally Prime पर TDL File अपलोड करें ( और अगर आपको Tally Prime पर TDL File upload करने का तरीका नहीं पता है तो नीचे दिए गए Link पर Click करें जो आपको Tally Prime पर TDL File अपलोड करने के लिए Guide करेगा )

Step 3: Now Pass the Sale entry on sale voucher and press ALT+P for print and click on Print Preview and you can see the extra column has been added for GST calculation as shown in Images below:

और इस तरह से आप Tally prime में Dynamic GST Invoice देख सकते है ।

धन्यवाद दोस्तों! अगर आपको ये आर्टिक्ल पसंद आया हैं तो इसको सोशल मीडिया पर अपने दोस्तो के साथ जरूर से शेयर कीजिए, जिससे उनको भी ये जानकारी प्राप्त हो सके।

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

2 thoughts on “Tally Prime Dynamic GST invoice TDL file”

  1. this dynamic gst invoice is good…..
    but i think company gstin/uin number font should be bold & bigger
    customer find difficult to locate as it is in the same line of address


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