130+ Visual Basics Shortcut Keys Download in PDF & Excel File

Programmers can modify code by dragging and dropping objects and setting their properties in the Microsoft event-driven programming language and environment known as Visual Basic (VB). VB is an event-driven and object-oriented programming language that is derived from the BASIC computer language.

As a result, it is sometimes referred to as a rapid application development (RAD) system, and it is used to prototype an application that will subsequently be built in a more challenging but efficient language.

Visual Basic 6 was the final version published in 1998, although it has since been replaced by VB.NET, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and Visual Studio.NET. VBA and Visual Studio are the most widely used frameworks nowadays.

Visual Basic’s History

Visual Basic is the third generation of event-driven programming languages, having been launched in 1991. VB was used to create a variety of Windows programs during the 1990s.

VB evolved throughout the 1990s until Visual Basic 6 was released in 1998, after which VB.NET was introduced. Visual Basic for Applications, which is most commonly used today to automate Microsoft Office tasks, is, however, backward compatible with VB 6.

Features and characteristics of Visual Basic

Compared to most other programming languages, VB is a GUI-based development tool with a quicker application development time. VB also has a more basic syntax than other languages, a user-friendly visual environment, and an excellent database connection.

Visual Basic was created to be a full-featured programming language with standard capabilities including string processing and computation. A drag-and-drop capability in the visual environment allows programmers to create a user interface that is simple to use, even for those with little experience.

Finally, programmers may easily find and use the defined values for variable data in a computer programme using C languages at declaration time. This type of setup is difficult to achieve with Visual Basic.

Visual Basic and Its Applications

Programmers should be able to create executable files utilizing the environment thanks to the structure of VB (exe files). Developers can also use VB to create apps that act as a front end for databases. VB tools can aid programmers in the development of applications or entire software while also letting them to change and amend their work as needed.

VBA is the most widely used version of Visual Basic today. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a version of Visual Basic that can be used to develop Microsoft Office applications like Excel and PowerPoint. VBA, on the other hand, can only be used to make changes to existing apps; it cannot be used to develop new ones.

As we all know visual basics is a powerful tool in Excel through this we can code in excel and add any features of your own choice, Below we have provided a complete list of visual basic keyboard shortcuts but there are quite different than their Excel counterpart, and by learning these shortcut helps you to increase your workflow, also we have provided the below shortcuts in Excel and PDF format for better learning you can download the shortcuts by clicking the below download button, That’s it! Happy Learning

Visual Basic Shortcut Keys List


Function Keys

F1 Displays help on a keyword or (Help > Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Help).
F2 Displays the (View > Object Browser) window.
F3 Finds the next occurrence of the last word you searched for using (Ctrl + F).
F4 Displays the (View > Properties Window) if it is not displayed.
F5 Runs the current procedure or continues if in Debug Mode.
F6 Switches focus between the two code windows when using (Window > Split).
F7 Displays the (View > Code) window. Can also be used to display the corresponding user form code module when a Userform is active.
F8 Step into code line by line. Can be used to start debugging subroutines that require no arguments.
F9 Inserts or toggles a breakpoint.
F10 Toggles the activation of the Menu bar.

Shift + Function

Shift + F2 Moves to the definition of the procedure or function (View > Definition).
Shift + F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the last word you searched for using (Ctrl + F).
Shift + F4 Repeats the last Find, the same as (Edit > Find Next).
Shift + F7 Displays the Userform object corresponding to the active user form code module. This can be used in conjunction with the F7 (View > Code) to quickly toggle between the code and the object.
Shift + F8 Step over the code line by line, execute one procedure at a time.
Shift + F9 Activates the Quick Watch window adding the current variable.
Shift + F10 Displays the shortcut menu for the selected item.

Ctrl + Function

Ctrl + F2 Activates the Object Box in the top left corner of the Code window.
Ctrl + F4 Closes the active MDI child window.
Ctrl + F5 Runs the error handler code or returns the error to the calling procedure. Does not affect the setting for error trapping on the General tab of the Options dialog box.
Ctrl + F6 Moves to the next open window. This is exactly the same as (Ctrl + Tab).
Ctrl + F8 Run to the cursor.
Ctrl + F9 Moves the current line of execution to this location. This defines the location for the next command that is executed.
Ctrl + F10 Activate the Menu bar.

Other + Function

Alt + F4 Closes the Visual Basic Editor window and returns to the application.
Alt + F5 Resume execution through the error handler/run error handler.
Alt + F8 Steps into the error handler or returns the error to the calling procedure. Does not affect the setting for error trapping on the General tab of the Options dialog box.
Alt + F11 Toggles between the Visual Basic Editor and the application.
Ctrl + Shift + F2 Moves back to the previous position (View > Last Position).
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Step out of code.
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Clear all breakpoints from the active project.

Ctrl + Letters

Ctrl + A Select all text in the current module.
Ctrl + C Copies the selection to the clipboard.
Ctrl + E Displays the (File > Export File) dialog box.
Ctrl + F Displays the (Edit > Find) dialog box.
Ctrl + G Displays the (View > Immediate window) window.
Ctrl + H Displays the (Edit > Replace) dialog box.
Ctrl + I Turn on quick information (Edit > Quick Info).
Ctrl + J Displays a drop-down of available properties (Edit > List Properties/Methods).
Ctrl + L Show the call stack (View > Call Stack).
Ctrl + M Displays the (File > Import File) dialog box.
Ctrl + N Inserts a new line and positions the cursor at the start of the line. Pressing Enter will maintain the same indentation.
Ctrl + P Displays the (File > Print) dialog box.
Ctrl + R Displays the (View > Project Explorer) window.
Ctrl + S Saves (File > Save).
Ctrl + T Displays the Components dialog box listing all the available components. This is a Visual Basic 6.0 dialog box.
Ctrl + V Pastes the current clipboard entry.
Ctrl + X Cuts the selection to the clipboard.
Ctrl + Y Cuts the entire line to the clipboard.
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action (Edit > Undo).

Other + Letters

Alt + A Displays the (Add-ins) menu.
Alt + D Displays the (Debug) menu.
Alt + E Displays the (Edit) menu.
Alt + F Displays the (File) menu.
Alt + H Displays the (Help) menu.
Alt + I Displays the (Insert) menu.
Alt + O Displays the (Format) menu.
Alt + Q Closes the Visual Basic Editor window and returns to the application.
Alt + R Displays the (Run) menu.
Alt + T Displays the (Tools) menu.
Alt + V Displays the (View) menu.
Alt + W Displays the (Window) menu.
Ctrl + Shift + I Displays the tooltip showing you parameter information (Edit > Parameter Info). This is only useful if you have (Tools > Options, Editor tab, Auto List Members & Auto Quick Info) unchecked.
Ctrl + Shift + J Displays a drop-down of available constants (Edit > List Constants). This is only useful if you have (Tools > Options, Editor tab, Auto List Members & Auto Quick Info) unchecked.


Shift + Insert Pastes the current clipboard entry.
Tab Indents the current line of code or completes IntelliSense.
Shift + Tab UnIndents the current line of code (outdents).
Enter Enters a new line into the code module.


Shift + Home Selects to the start of the line.
Shift + End Selects to the end of the line.
Shift + Page Up Selects to the top of the module.
Shift + Page Down Selects to the bottom of the module.


Shift + Left Arrow Extends the selection of one character to the left.
Shift + Right Arrow Extends the selection of one character to the right.
Shift + Up Arrow Extends the selection up one line.
Shift + Down Arrow Extends the selection down one line.


Ctrl + Tab Moves to the next module or window.
Alt + Tab Moves to the next application.
Home Moves to the beginning of the current line.
End Moves to the end of the current line.
Page Up Moves one screen upwards.
Page Down Moves one screen downwards.
Left Arrow Moves left one character.
Right Arrow Moves right one character.
Up Arrow Moves up one line.
Down Arrow Moves down one line.
Ctrl + Home Moves to the top of the module.
Ctrl + End Moves to the bottom of the module.
Ctrl + Page Up Moves to the top of the current procedure.
Ctrl + Page Down Moves to the start of the next procedure.
Ctrl + Left Arrow Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl + Right Arrow Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl + Up Arrow Moves to the sub or function directly above.
Ctrl + Down Arrow Moves to the sub or function directly below.

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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