Blogger Outreach: The Right Way To Do It

When done right, Blogger outreach is the ultimate way to bring attention to your content, increasing your sales ultimately. Companies like Globex Outreach use their proven Blogger outreach strategy to put their client’s content in front of relevant audiences. Keep reading to find more details.

The Basic Strategy

Blogger outreach, in its essence, is a process that contains the following steps:

  1. Finding influencers in your niche
  2. Creating a connection with them
  3. Finding their contact info
  4. Writing a custom email.
  5. Reaching them out on time.
  6. Reaping the awesome returns

Now, most guys think that all of this as spam. But nothing about blogger outreach is spam at all. Blogger outreach, if you have fantastic content, enables you to push your message to a broader audience. The leading bloggers share your valuable content with their readers, and you get visitors: it’s a win-win!

Still, Think It’s Spam?

Blogger outreach gets spammy if you are selfish and forget about the “remember the human” part. In reality, influential bloggers get tons of emails and proposals. They certainly don’t want to work with those guys who only think about themselves. Things that make bloggers believe an email is spam is:

  • The email is written poorly.
  • The attached content doesn’t provide value.
  • The email sender is selfish and lazy.
  • Doesn’t give anything to the blogger.

Bloggers are not on the look for money for sharing your content. They already have customers that keep filling their pockets. Instead, bloggers want content that adds to their knowledge bank and enables them to show their relevance to their audience and industry. Avoid being spammy, and this all is fun!

Before We Start

Don’t rush to think that you can get the benefits of blogger outreach overnight. It’s a time-consuming process and requires patience. You are better off hiring blogger outreach services if you don’t have time on your hands. With that out of the way, here are the details of each step of the blogger outreach.

1.      Finding Influential Bloggers

This is probably the easiest part of a blogger outreach campaign. You can find top bloggers in your industry by using tools like BuzzSumo and AllTop. This tool enables you to find the people whom your target audience trusts. However, there is another way to find top bloggers in your industry.

Ready to flex your research muscles? Here is how you find top bloggers without any tool:

  • Open your favorite search engine (Google is preferred)
  • Enter your target term
  • Look for blogs that rank against your search query.
  • Scroll down to related search results
  • This way, you have your custom-tailored list of influential bloggers in your industry.
  • Build a connection with bloggers

2.      Make Them Remember You

Don’t you find it intimidating when someone comes at you out of the blue and acts as you know them? Well, if your answer is “yes,” bloggers also think this to be intimidating. Please don’t get in their inbox without creating a connection with them. Forget about the “numbers game” of contacting bloggers.

Here’s how you build a connection with the bloggers without spending a single penny:

  1. Follow the bloggers on social media
  2. Engage with them on their posts
  3. Respond to their polls and shared content
  4. Make engaging comments on their blogs.

This way, when you reach a blogger, they already know about you and have more openness to visiting your blog or checking out your content. They might even share it with their audience (more about it in the next sections).

3.      Find Their Credentials

This step gets more comfortable if you have already established a connection with the top bloggers in your industry. However, for those busy internet marketers who want to skip the step above, the best way for finding details is using Twitter/LinkedIn and a tool called “”

Here’s how you can make sure that you’re finding the right email addresses with

  • Navigate to
  • Enter the name of your target blogger and insert the link to their website
  • Get the list of possible email addresses of your blogging prospects.
  • Coming up with a super email

4.      Crafting The Email

Your email can either make or break the deal with your ideal blogger. Templates that you can find with some Google searches are cool to begin with, but these are templates at the end of the day. So, you have to come up with something creative for better results. Here are some tips for writing a custom email:

  • Come up with a compelling email headline.
  • Mention the worth of their business success
  • Tell them how your content is worth reading for them.
  • Politely ask them to share your content.

Summing it up, you may have the best email template, but real magic only happens when you send out engaging custom emails.

5.      Timing Matters The Most

Suppose that you (or your content team) have written a great case study about your industry, but you never share it with influential bloggers on time, and your content gets outdated from the industry standards. Not all the content has longer “Web Life,” so it’s better to share it at the right time.

Here’s how you can share your content with the bloggers at an appropriate time

  • Make separate email lists of influential bloggers.
  • Create custom emails along with creating your next outstanding content
  • Make sure to send the emails within a maximum of 24 hours of publishing your content.

6.      Reaping The Benefits

Yay! You have made it to the end, which ideally means that all things went right and bloggers responded to your blogger outreach campaign. Your content (blog) will get thousands of hits in some hours. But how can you maximize the benefits of this increased viewership of your content? Do these things:

  • Include a CTA that encourages your visitor to check out your relevant products
  • Provide a free case-study or infographic to the visitor in exchange for their email address
  • Include appealing links to the other relevant posts that you have published on your blog


 A moment waited is a moment wasted! Don’t just sit idle after reading this blogger outreach guide. Wear your thinking hat and start a fantastic blogger outreach campaign to set the marketing wheels in motion. Happy outreaching!

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website ( and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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