30+ FileZilla Shortcut Keys List For Windows Download in PDF & Excel

Users can set up FTP servers or connect to other FTP servers to share files using FileZilla, a free, open-source file transfer protocol (FTP) software program. Over Transport Layer Security, FileZilla has historically supported the File Transfer Protocol (FTPS).

FileZilla Shortcut Keys List

Keyboard Shortcuts Description
F2 Rename selected file
F3 Search remote files
F5 Refreshes local and remote file and folder views
Tab Switches to the next view
Alt+Down Transfers the currently selected item to an item of the same name in the other pane
Alt+Up Navigates up one line in a tree view (same as Up Arrow), navigates to parent folder in file view
Ctrl+B Add bookmark
Ctrl+Shift+B Manage bookmarks
Ctrl+C Stops the current operation
Ctrl+D Disconnects from server
Ctrl+E Show files currently being edited
Ctrl+I Directory listing filters …
Ctrl+M Manual transfer
Ctrl+Shift+N create a new directory
Ctrl+O Enable directory comparison
Ctrl+P Process queue
Ctrl+Q Exit
Ctrl+R Reconnects to server
Ctrl+S Opens the Site Manager
Ctrl+T Opens a new tab
Ctrl+U Preserve timestamps of transferred files
Ctrl+Y Toggle synchronized browsing
Ctrl+W Close tab
Enter Transfers the currently selected item if it is a file or expands it if it is a directory
Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn switches to next/previous tab
Up Arrow Moves up one item in the current view
Down Arrow Moves down one item in the current view
Left Arrow Nothing in a files view, Up one level in a tree view
Right Arrow Down one level in a tree view, if there are subfolders, nothing if there are none. Pressing once expands a collapsed node. Pressing again steps down into it

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

1 thought on “30+ FileZilla Shortcut Keys List For Windows Download in PDF & Excel”

  1. FileZilla is a great FTP client for Windows. Here are some of the shortcut keys you can use to make your life easier.


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