How Instagram Algorithm Works

Hacking the Instagram algorithm or thinking of a shortcut to circumvent it is nothing but wishful thinking. This is because the Instagram algorithm shows the users exactly what they wish to see. With every passing day, Instagram’s algorithm is getting more and more sophisticated.

How Instagram Algorithm Works in 2021Truth be told, Instagram’s algorithm is a lot more complex than it looks on the outside. This is because its interface comprises multiple algorithms which are difficult to be understood by average users. For instance, static in-feed posts provide a very different experience than real videos. The reason behind is that each of the videos is backed by a different and separate algorithm. The only way you can circumvent the new Instagram algorithm is by posting content that is worth the time of both the producer and viewer. The core principle behind Instagram’s algorithm is that it keeps a check on user’s interests and likes and then suggests the content accordingly. Once you understand this, you will easily be able to curate content which the users and your potential followers will love.

The inclusion of guides, Instagram reels, collaborator posts has made it difficult for a layman to circumvent the Instagram algorithm.

Below is the detailed description of how the Instagram algorithm works in 2021.

1: Keeping Tabs:

You might have noticed that whenever you like a certain type of post on Instagram, the app starts to show more of these posts. The reason is that the Instagram algorithm considers and follows the user’s engagement pattern and then proceeds to present similar content to the user. By keeping tabs on user activity, the app is able to determine the type of content which the user wishes to see in the future. Aside from this, many users have this misconception that if they hide their likes, they will vanish in thin air. However, it is not the case. The likes are not going anywhere. They still keep the tab on your activities. Aside from this, the algorithm also monitors the way you engage with posts. For instance, if a user comments on a post, or gets tagged in a post, there is a higher chance that the user will end up in the important category. What this means is that you subconsciously notified the app about your interests which results in the app showing similar content to the user.

2: Time Factor:

Being one of the widely used social media apps, the app strives to show its users the latest and trendiest content. This is why it is always a wise decision to have an Instagram creator’s account. This way, you will be able to keep up with the analytics. This will eventually help you in measuring important metrics and eventually, you will be able to circumvent Instagram’s new algorithm. However, there is one that needs to be said loud and clear. There is no such thing as a perfect time for posting content on the app. Reach and engagement has nothing to do whatsoever with the number of people online.

3: Post frequency:

If you wish to ace Instagram’s Followers algorithm, try posting the content with a lot more frequency. The higher the amount of time you spend on Instagram, the higher the chances are that you will be shown freshly brewed content by Instagram. If you are someone who is a content creator, then it is very much important for you to post content with more consistency. Your reach and user engagement is tantamount to your consistency in posting content online. Taking a break from Instagram is important, but truth be told, while the break may have its own perks, the app itself will not be kind to you. However, if you post content frequently, you will be rewarded well by the algorithm.

How to circumvent Instagram’s Algorithm:

When it comes to Instagram’s algorithm, there are 2 main factors that constitute Instagram’s algorithm.

1: Activity:

Instagram’s latest algorithm works by showing users the content with which they live to engage with. This is exactly why whenever you like a certain post, you end up seeing similar content on your newsfeed. What this means is that as a creator, you need to create content which the users love engaging with. This is because the attention span on the app is very low. It hardly takes 3 seconds for a user to scroll past it. This in no way implies that you should give up on content you lovemaking. However, the key here is to keep a balance. The reason is that if you won’t make the content you enjoy making, you will end up getting bored and in extreme cases, you might end up quitting it altogether.

Aside from this, engaging with your followers is the key to increasing engagement on your posts. In addition to this, you might also end up making genuine relationships with people.

2: Time:

As the adage goes, time is always of the essence. The higher the amount of time you are able to keep users engaged, the higher are the chances that the app will favour you. What this means is that you must post content timely on the app if you wish to be favoured by the app’s algorithm.

Final Words:

In a nutshell, if you want to beat Instagram’s algorithm, you will have to devise a proper strategy. You can start by posting photos whenever you can, if you can’t post it every day, try posting it on alternate days. Also, try to post reels at least 3 times a week. Having said that, the only thing which you should post daily is the stories. Don’t ever compromise on them. Stories are an amazing way to engage with your audience. Last but not the least, make sure to engage with users by replying to their dm’s and messages on a regular basis.

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website ( and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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