150+ Vegas Pro Shortcut Keys List Download in PDF & Excel Format

Vegas is a well-known name in the video editing software industry, having been created by Sony but now managed by Magix. Up until now, the tremendous interface complexity of Vegas Pro has held it back. Only serious professionals should apply. The makers of Vegas have begun to update the application in recent editions to give a more user-friendly, high-level video editor. The latest version of Vegas Pro starts to bear fruit from that work, but it’s still one of the more complicated options—complicated enough that novice hobbyists might find it too difficult.

Sony Vegas Pro is video editing software that was released by Sony Corporation. It has 3D film editing, image stabilization, track management, clip composition, special effects, subtitle editing, and other features. Previously known as one of the greatest alternatives to Windows Movie Maker and the best entry-level movie editing software on PC.

Vegas Pro Shortcut Keys List

Project file

Ctrl+N Create new project
Ctrl+Shft+N Create new project and bypass the Project Properties dialog
Alt+F4 Exit Vegas
Ctrl+F4 Close the current project
Ctrl+O Open existing project
Alt+Enter Project properties
Ctrl+S Save project

Magnification and view

Alt+0 Set focus to track view
Alt+1 Show Explorer window (show/hide window if not docked)
Alt+2 Show Trimmer window (show/hide window if not docked)
Alt+3 Show Mixer window (show/hide window if not docked)
Alt+4 Show Video Preview window (show/hide window if not docked)
Alt+5 Show Project Media window (show/hide window if not docked)
Alt+6 Show Edit Details window (show/hide window if not docked)
Alt+7 Show Transitions window (show/hide window if not docked)
Alt+8 Show Video FX window (show/hide window if not docked)
Alt+9 Show Media Generators window (show/hide window if not docked)
Ctrl+Alt+1 Show Plug-In Manager window (show/hide window if not docked)
Ctrl+Alt+2 Show Video Scopes window (show/hide window if not docked)
Ctrl+Alt+3 Show Surround Panner window (show/hide window if not docked)
Ctrl+Alt+4 Show Media Manager window (show/hide window if not docked)
B Show/hide audio bus tracks
Ctrl+Shft+B Show/hide video bus track
Ctrl+Shft+K Show/hide event media markers
Ctrl+Shft+I Show/hide active take information
Ctrl+Shft+W Show/hide waveforms and frame images on events in the timeline
Ctrl+Shft+C Show/hide Event Pan/Crop and Video FX buttons in video events
Ctrl+Shft+T Show/hide event fade lengths between selected and nonselected events:
Ctrl+Shft+E Show/hide envelopes
F6 or Ctrl+Tab Show next window
Shft+F6 or Ctrl+Shft+Tab Show previous window
Alt+D, then press 0-9 Recall window layout
Ctrl+Alt+D, then press 0-9 Save window layout
Tab Toggle focus between track list and timeline (and bus track list and timeline if bus tracks are visible)
Alt+Shft+Up/Down Arrow Switch focus to previous/next track or bus track
Ctrl+Shft+Down Arrow Decrease height of all tracks or bus tracks (depending which has focus)
Ctrl+Shft+Up Arrow Increase height of all tracks or bus tracks (depending which has focus)
Minimize all tracks
Ctrl+’ Set track heights to default height
F11 or Alt+’ Minimize/restore the window docking area
Ctrl+F11 or Ctrl+Alt+’ Maximize/restore the timeline vertically and horizontally (window docking area and track list will be hidden)
Shft+F11 or Shft+Alt+’ Minimize/restore the track list
Up/Down Arrow Zoom in/out horizontally in small increments (if timeline has focus)
Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow Zoom in/out horizontally in large increments or zoom to selection (if one exists)
Alt + Up Arrow Zoom in time until each video thumbnail represents one frame
Shft+Up/Down Arrow Zoom waveforms in/out vertically (audio only)

Cursor placement, loop region, and time selection

Note Most of the cursor placement commands, when combined with the Shift key, also perform selection.
\ Center view around cursor
Ctrl+G Go to
Ctrl+Shft+G Set end of time selection
Home Go to beginning of time selection or viewable area (if no time selection)
End Go to end of time selection or viewable area (if no time selection)
Ctrl+Home or W Go to beginning of project
Ctrl+End Go to end of project
Shft+Q Select loop region
Backspace Restore previous five time selections
Page Up Move left by grid marks
Page Down Move right by grid marks
Left or Right Arrow Move left/right one pixel (when Quantize to Frames is turned off)
Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow Move to previous/next marker
Alt+Left or Right Arrow Move one frame left/right
Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right Arrow Move left/right to event edit points (including fade edges)
F3/F9 Jog left/right (when not in edge-trimming mode or during playback)
0-9 keys (not numeric keypad) Move cursor to corresponding marker or select corresponding region
Ctrl+Comma Move to previous CD track
Ctrl+Period Move to next CD track
Comma Move to previous CD index or region
Period Move to next CD index or region
I (in)and O (out) Set in and out points
Ctrl+Shft+drag with mouse Create time selection while dragging on an event

General editing

Ctrl+X or Shft+Delete Cut selection
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert Copy selection
Ctrl+V or Shft+Insert Paste from clipboard
Ctrl+Shft+V Paste insert
Ctrl+B Paste repeat
Delete Delete selection
Ctrl+T Trim event to selection
Ctrl+M Render to new track
Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace Undo
Ctrl+Shft+Z or Ctrl+Y Redo
Shft+F5 Rebuild audio peaks
Ctrl+D Switch to normal editing tool
D Switch to next editing tool
Shft+D Switch to previous editing tool

Event selection and editing

Shft+click events Range select
Ctrl+click individual events Multiple select
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+Shft+A Unselect all
Ctrl+X or Shft+Delete Cut selection
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert Copy selection
Ctrl+V or Shft+Insert Paste from clipboard
Ctrl+Shft+V Paste insert
Ctrl+B Paste repeat
Delete Delete selection
S Split events at cursor
Ctrl+T Trim/crop selected events
Numeric Keypad 5 Exit edge-trimming mode
Numeric Keypad 1/3 Move or trim selected events one frame left/right
Numeric Keypad 4/6 Move or trim selected events one pixel left/right
Numeric Keypad 8/2 Move selected events up/down one track
Alt+drag inside the event Slip: move media within event without moving the event
Alt+drag edge of event Slip trim: moves the media with the edge as it is trimmed
Ctrl+Alt+drag edge of event Trim adjacent: trims selected event and adjacent event simultaneously
Ctrl+Alt+drag middle of event Slide: trims both ends of event simultaneously
Ctrl+Alt+drag over a crossfade Slide crossfade: moves crossfade
Ctrl+drag edge of event Stretch (compress) the media in the event while trimming
(= {not numeric keypad}) Raise pitch one semitone
Ctrl+= Raise pitch one cent
Shft+= Raise pitch one octave
(=- (not numeric keypad) Lower pitch one semitone
Ctrl+- Lower pitch one cent
Shft+- Lower pitch one octave
Ctrl+Shft+= or Ctrl+Shft+- Reset pitch
T Select next take
Shft+T Select previous take
Numeric Keypad / Convert cut to transition
Numeric Keypad *
Numeric Ke
Ctrl+Numeric Keypad / Convert transition to cut
Ctrl+E Open in audio editor

Playback, recording, and preview

Ctrl+Alt+Shft+R Arm for record and set recording path
Ctrl+R Record (transport bar)
Q or Ctrl+Shft+L Looped playback
Shft+Spacebar or Shft+F12 Play from start
Spacebar Start playback
Ctrl+Spacebar or F12 Play from any window
Enter or Ctrl+F12 Play/pause
Spacebar or Esc Stop playback
Ctrl+Home Go to start of project
Ctrl+End Go to end of project
Ctrl+Shft+F12 Dim (attenuate) mixer output
Numeric Keypad 0 Preview cursor position.
J, K, or L Scrub playback
Shft+M Selectively prerender video
Ctrl+Shft+M Preview in player
Shft+B Build dynamic RAM preview
Alt+Shft+4 Toggle external monitor preview.
F7 Generate MIDI timecode

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Nazim Khan (Author) đź“ž +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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