100+ FL studio Shortcut Keys Download In PDF & Excel File

FL Studio lets you load instruments and samples, play them live or manually enter note data, record external sounds (for example, from a microphone), and playback the entire mix through the mixer (adding effects). The finished project can be saved as a. flp or. zip file, as well as exported (rendered) to.

FL Studio Shortcut Keys Lists

File Shortcuts

Action Shortcut Keys
Open file Ctrl + O
Save Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S
Save new version Ctrl + N
Export as a wave file Ctrl + R
Export as Mp3 file Ctrl + Shift + R
Export as MIDI file Ctrl + Shift + M
Open recent files Alt + 0
Smart find Ctrl + F

Record and Playback Shortcuts

Action Shortcut Keys
Toggle line Backspace
Start and Stop playback Space
Start and Pause Ctrl + Space
Song mode L
On and off of recording R
Fast forward Zero
Jump 4 bars back Ctrl + /
Jump 4 bars forward Ctrl + *
Toggle edit mode Ctrl + E
Stop sound Ctrl + H
Toggle typing to the piano keypad Ctrl + T
Toggle blend notes Ctrl + B
Toggle metronome Ctrl + M

Pattern selector Shortcuts

Action Shortcut Keys
Next pattern +
Previous pattern
Next empty pattern F4

Channel window Shortcuts

Action Shortcut Keys
Mute & Unmute 0..9
Solo and Unsolo first 10 channels Ctrl + 0..9
Select previous channels
Next channel
Group selected channels Alt + G
Zip selected channels Alt + Z
Unzip selected channels Alt + U
Move selected channels up Shift + ↑
Move selected channels down Shift + ↓
Next channel group Page Up
Previous channel group Page Down
Copy channel steps Ctrl + C
Paste channel steps Ctrl + V
Cut channel steps Ctrl + X
Delete selected channels Alt + Delete
Clone channels Ctrl + Shift + C
Randomize Alt + R
Send to piano roll Alt + P
Show keyboard editor K
Graph editor G
Restretch all Ctrl + Alt + R

Window Shortcuts

Action Shortcut Keys
Cycle nested windows Tab
Open plugin picker Ctrl + F8
Open project picker Ctrl + Alt + F8
Plugin database Shift + F8
Close a window Esc
Help F1
Playlist F5
Step sequencer F6
Piano roll F7
Show or Hide sample browser F8
Show or Hide Mixer F9
Show or Hide MIDI settings F10
Show or Hide song info window F11
Close all windows F12
Close all unfocused windows Ctrl + F12
Align all channel editors Shift + F12

Piano roll action Shortcuts

Action Shortcut Keys
Paint tool B
Slice tool C
Delete tool D
Select tool E
Keyboard view mode M
Portamento O
Pencil tool P
Mute tool T
Playback tool Y
Zoom tool Z
Bypass snap Alt
Arpeggiator Alt + A
View note helpers Alt + B
Riff machine Alt + E
Flam Alt + F
Ungroup selected notes Alt + G
Open limit tool Alt + K
Open Articulate tool Alt + L
Switch waveform helper view Alt + N
Quantize Alt + Q
Open Randomize tool Alt + R
Open Strum tool Alt + S
Glue Alt + G
Open chop tool Alt + U
Toggle ghost channels on or off Alt + V
Open claw machine tool Alt + W
Open scale levels tool Alt + X
Open score flipper tool Alt + Y
Copy selection Ctrl + C
Deselect selection Ctrl + D
Insert current controller value Ctrl + I
Quick legato Ctrl + L
Import MIDI file Ctrl + M
Quick quantize Ctrl + Q
Quick chop Ctrl + U
Paste selection Ctrl + V
Cut selection Ctrl + X
Grid color Ctrl + Alt + G
Flip separator Shift + Enter
The toggle allows resizing from left Ctrl + Alt + Home
Delete space equal to the selection Ctrl + Delete
Select time around the selection Ctrl + Enter

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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