Sales History TDL code in Tally Prime

नमस्कार दोस्तों, आज हम Tally Prime में जबरदस्त tdl फ़ाइल देखेंगे, इस tdl कोड से आप अपनी Sale का history देख पाएंगे, क्यों की Items के सभी पिछले Sale Entry को याद रखना संभव नहीं है, और Tally Prime में Long Process है Sale Entry को देखने का,इसलिए हम आपके लिए मुफ़्त में ये tdl file प्रदान करते है ,इस tdl File के बारे में अच्छी बात यह है कि आप  एक जगह पर ही Sale की History देख पायेंगे ,आइए इस प्रक्रिया को समझते हैं कि कैसे इस tdl File को Tally Prime में Load करें और उनका उपयोग कर

Item Sales History In Tally Prime (TDL code)

[Collection : ClnSaleInfo]
Type : Vouchers : Stock Item
Child Of : $$BaseOwner:#VchStockItem
Filter : SalesFilt
Fetch : LedgerEntries.PartyLedgerName, LedgerEntries.LedgerName

[System : Formula]
MStk : $StockItemName = $$BaseOwner:#VCHStockItem
SalesFilt : $$IsSales:$VoucherTypeName

[#Field : VCH StockItem]
Key : mKeyF4
Tooltip : “Press F4 to See Item History”

[Key : mKeyF4]
Key : F4
Action : Display : RptViewHistory

[Report : RptViewHistory]
Form : FrmViewHistory

[Form : FrmViewHistory]
Part : PrtViewHistory
Height : 50 % Screen
Vertical Alignment : Bottom

[Part : PrtViewHistory]
Line : LnViewHistoryTitle, LnViewHistoryHD, LnViewHistoryData
Repeat : LnViewHistoryData : ClnSaleInfo
Scroll : Vertical

[Line : LnViewHistoryTitle]
Field : FldVwStkItem
Fixed : Yes

[Field : FldVwStkItem]
Use : Short Name Field
Set As : “Sales History For : ” + #VCHStockItem
Full Width : Yes
Align : Centre

[Line : LnViewHistoryHD]
Use : LnViewHistoryData
Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Centre
Local : Field : FldViewHistory0 : Set As : “Voucher Type”
Local : Field : FldViewHistory1 : Set As : “Invoice No”
Local : Field : FldViewHistoryDt: Set As : “Date”
Local : Field : FldViewHistory2 : Set As : “Party Name”
Local : Field : FldViewHistory3 : Set As : “Qty”
Local : Field : FldViewHistory4 : Set As : “Rate”
Local : Field : FldViewHistory5 : Set As : “Discount”
Local : Field : FldViewHistory6 : Set As : “Amount(Rs.)”
Border : Column Titles
Fixed : Yes

[Line : LnViewHistoryData]
Field : FldViewHistory1, FldViewHistoryDt, FldViewHistory2 ;;FldViewHistory0,
Right Field : FldViewHistory3, FldViewHistory4, FldViewHistory5, FldViewHistory6
Local : Field : FldViewHistory0 : Set As : $VoucherTypeName
Local : Field : FldViewHistory1 : Set As : $VoucherNumber
Local : Field : FldViewHistoryDt: Set As : $Date
Local : Field : FldViewHistory2 : Set As : $PartyLedgerName
Local : Field : FldViewHistory3 : Set As : $$FilterValue:$BilledQty:InventoryEntries:1:mStk
Local : Field : FldViewHistory4 : Set As : $$FilterValue:$Rate:InventoryEntries:1:mStk
Local : Field : FldViewHistory5 : Set As : $$FilterValue:$discount:InventoryEntries:1:mStk
Local : Field : FldViewHistory6 : Set As : $$FilterValue:$Amount:InventoryEntries:1:mStk
;; Empty If : NOT $$IsSalesOrder:$VoucherTypeName
Explode : PrtViewHistoryData : $$FilterCount:InventoryEntries:mStk -1 > 0

[Part : PrtViewHistoryData]
Line : LnViewHistoryData1
Repeat : LnViewHistoryData1 : InventoryEntries

[Line : LnViewHistoryData1]
Field : FldViewHistory0, FldViewHistory1, FldViewHistoryDt, FldViewHistory2
Right Field : FldViewHistory3, FldViewHistory4, FldViewHistory5, FldViewHistory6
Local : Field : FldViewHistory0 : Set As : $$Owner:$VoucherTypeName
Local : Field : FldViewHistory1 : Set As : $$Owner:$VoucherNumber
Local : Field : FldViewHistoryDt: Set As : $$Owner:$Date
Local : Field : FldViewHistory2 : Set As : $$Owner:$PartyLedgerName
Local : Field : FldViewHistory3 : Set As : $BilledQty
Local : Field : FldViewHistory4 : Set As : $Rate
Local : Field : FldViewHistory5 : Set As : $Discount
Local : Field : FldViewHistory6 : Set As : $Amount
Empty if : NOT @@mStk OR $$ItemSerial=0

[Field : FldViewHistory0]
Use : Short Name Field

[Field : FldViewHistory1]
Use : Short Name Field

[Field : FldViewHistoryDt]
Use : Short Date Field

[Field : FldViewHistory2]
Use : Name Field

[Field : FldViewHistory3]
Use : Qty Field

[Field : FldViewHistory4]
Use : Rate Field

[Field : FldViewHistory5]
Use : Number Field
Align : Right
Format : “Percentage”

[Field : FldViewHistory6]
Use : Amount Field

;; Eof

Step 2: अब above code को Save करने के बाद Tally Prime पर TDL File अपलोड करें ( और अगर आपको Tally Prime पर TDL File upload करने का तरीका नहीं पता है तो नीचे दिए गए Link पर Click करें जो आपको Tally Prime पर TDL File अपलोड करने के लिए Guide करेगा )

Step 3: अब Gateway of tally > go to Voucher > Press F8(for sale voucher) > Enter party name > and select the Items

Step 4:  As soon as you select the Item for entry press the ” Backspace” button and press the “F4” Key ( to see the sale history of the Item)

Step 5: you will see the Dialogue box will open and shows all the sale entry of the selected item

धन्यवाद! अगर आपको ये आर्टिक्ल पसंद आया हैं तो इसको सोशल मीडिया पर अपने दोस्तो के साथ जरूर से शेयर कीजिए, जिससे उनको भी ये जानकारी प्राप्त हो सके।

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website ( and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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