Tally Prime Stock GroupWise Inventory Total TDL file

नमस्कार दोस्तों आज हम एक ऐसे tdl फाइल के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे ,जिसकी मदद से आप अपने Tally Prime में Stock Group Wise Inventory Total अपने invoice पे add कर सकते हैं इस TDL का उपयोगStock Item को Group नाम के साथ देखने के लिए किया जाता है जब चालान Print होता है
और इनवॉइस में आप प्रत्येक आइटम को संबंधित Stock Items देख सकते हैं। तो चलिए देखते हैं कि हम कैसे उपयोग कर सकते हैं इस tdl फ़ाइल का tally prime में ?

TDL Code for stock Group-wise Inventory Total

[#Form: SalesColor]

Delete : Print
Add : Print : BristleInvoice

[Report: BristleInvoice]

Use : Printed Invoice
Delete : Form
Add : Form : BristleInvoice

[Form: BristleInvoice]

Use : STDInvoiceDimensions
Top Parts : STDInvoiceTop, BristleTopPart
Part : BristleBodyPart
Bottom Part : BristleBottomPart
Space Top : 0 mms
Space Bottom : 0 mms
PageBreak : BristleClosingPageBreak,BristleOpeningPageBreak

[Part: BristleOpeningPageBreak]

Parts : BristleTopPart, BristleColHeads
Vertical: Yes

[Part: BristleClosingPageBreak]

Use : BristleBottomPart

Local : Field : BristleAmtInWords : Set as : ‘continued…’
Local : Field : BristleAmtInWords : Align : Right
Local : Field : BristleAmtInWords : Style : Normal

;;—————————TOP PART—————————————————————-
[Part: BristleTopPart]

Top Parts : BristleRepTitle, BristleCompDetail
Vertical : Yes
Height : 30 mms

[Part: BristleRepTitle]

Height : 5 mms
Line : BristleCmpReport

[Line: BristleCmpReport]

Field : BristleCmpReport

[Field: BristleCmpReport]

Set As : ##ReportTitle + @@BristlePageNo
Align : Center
Style : Large Bold

[Part: BristleCompDetail]

Border : Thin Box
Height : 25 mms
Part : BristleCmpAddress
Right Part : BristleCmpOrderDetails

[Part: BristleCmpAddress]

Height : 25 mms
Width : 94 mms
Lines : BristleCmpType,BristleCmpName,BristleCmpAddress
PrePrinted : Yes
Border : Thin Right
Repeat : BristleCmpAddress : Company Address

[Line: BristleCmpType]

Field : BristleCmpType

[Field: BristleCmpType]

Width : 94 mms
Set As : ‘Exporter’
Style : Small
Space Left : 2 mms

[Line: BristleCmpName]

Field : BristleCmpName

[Field: BristleCmpName]

Width : 94 mms
Set As : @@CmpMailName
Style : Normal Bold
Space Left : 5 mms

[Line: BristleCmpAddress]

Field: BristleCmpAddress

[Field: BristleCmpAddress]

Width : 94 mms
Set As : $Address
Space Left : 5 mms

[Part: BristleCmpOrderDetails]

Parts : BristleCmpReportHead,BristleCmpBuyerOrder
Height : 25 mms
Width : 93 mms
Vertical : Yes

[Part: BristleCmpReportHead]

Width : 93 mms
Height : 8 mms
Parts : BristleCmpReportNoHead,BristleCmpReportRef

[Part: BristleCmpReportNoHead]
Width : 46 mms
Height : 8 mms
Lines : BristleCmpReportNoHead,BristleCmpReportNo
Border : Thin Right

[Line: BristleCmpReportNoHead]

Height : 3 mms
Field : BristleCmpReportNoHead

[Field: BristleCmpReportNoHead]

Width : 46 mms
Set As : ‘Invoice No. & Date’
PrePrinted : Yes
Space Left : 2 mms
Style : Small

[Line: BristleCmpReportNo]

Height : 4 mms
Field : BristleCmpReportNo
Right Field : BristleCmpReportNoDt
Border : Thin Bottom

[Field: BristleCmpReportNo]

Width : 23 mms
Set As : $VoucherNumber
Style : Normal Bold
Space Left : 2 mms

[Field: BristleCmpReportNoDt]

Width : 23 mms
Set As : $$String:$Date:UniversalDate
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristleCmpReportRef]

Width : 47 mms
Height : 8 mms
Lines : BristleCmpReportRef,BristleCmpReportRefNo

[Line: BristleCmpReportRef]

Height : 3 mms
Field : BristleCmpReportRef

[Field: BristleCmpReportRef]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : “Exporter’s Ref”
PrePrinted : Yes
Space Left : 2 mms
Style : Small

[Line: BristleCmpReportRefNo]

Field : BristleCmpReportRefNo
Height : 4 mms
Space Bottom : 1 mms
Border : Thin Bottom

[Field: BristleCmpReportRefNo]

Width : 47 mms
Set as : $Reference
Style : Normal Bold
Space Left : 2 mms

[Part: BristleCmpBuyerOrder]

Width : 93 mms
Height : 17 mms
Lines : BristleCmpBuyerOrderHead,BristleCmpBuyerOrderNo,BristleCmpOtherRef, BristleCmpOtherRefNo

[Line: BristleCmpBuyerOrderHead]

Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms
Field : BristleCmpBuyerOrderHead

[Field: BristleCmpBuyerOrderHead]

Width : 93 mms
Set As : ‘Buyers Order No. & Date’
PrePrinted : Yes
Space Left : 2 mms
Style : Small

[Line: BristleCmpBuyerOrderNo]

Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom : 1 mms
Border : Thin Bottom
Left Field : BristleCmpBuyerOrderNo
Right Field : BristleCmpBuyerOrderNoDt

[Field: BristleCmpBuyerOrderNo]

Width : 46.5 mms
Set As : $PurchaseOrderNo
Style : Normal Bold
Space Left : 2 mms

[Field: BristleCmpBuyerOrderNoDt]

Width : 46.5 mms
Set As : $$String:$OrderDate
Style : Normal Bold

[Line: BristleCmpOtherRef]

Field : BristleCmpOtherRef
Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms

[Field: BristleCmpOtherRef]

Width : 93 mms
Set As : ‘Other Reference(s)’
PrePrinted : Yes
Space Left : 2 mms
Style : Small

[Line: BristleCmpOtherRefNo]

Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms
Field : BristleCmpOtherRefNo

[Field: BristleCmpOtherRefNo]

Width : 93 mms
Set As : $OrderRef
Style : Normal Bold
Space Left : 2 mms
[Part: BristleBuyerDetails]

Left Part : BristleConsigneeDet
Right Part : BristleBuyerDet
Height : 76 mms
Border : Thin Box

[Part: BristleConsigneeDet]

Height : 76 mms
Width : 94 mms
Border : Thin Right
Parts : BristleConsigneeAddress,BristleDispatchDet
Vertical : Yes

[Part: BristleConsigneeAddress]

Height : 51 mms
Width : 94 mms
Lines : BristleConsigneeTo,BristleConsigneeName,BristleConsigneeAdd
Repeat : BristleConsigneeAdd: Buyer Address

[Line: BristleConsigneeTo]

Field : BristleConsigneeTo

[Field: BristleConsigneeTo]

Width : 94 mms
Set As : ‘Consignee’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristleConsigneeName]

Field : BristleConsigneeName

[Field: BristleConsigneeName]

Width : 94 mms
Space Left : 5 mms
Set As : $BuyerName
Style : Normal Bold

[Line: BristleConsigneeAdd]

Field : BristleConsigneeAdd

[Field: BristleConsigneeAdd]

Width : 94 mms
Space Left : 5 mms
Set As : $BuyerAddress

[Part: BristleDispatchDet]

Height : 25 mms
Width : 94 mms
Parts : BristlePrecarriage,BristleVesselNoHead,BristlePortOfDischargeHead
Vertical : Yes
Border : Thick Top

[Part: BristlePrecarriage]

Width : 94 mms
Height : 8 mms
Parts : BristlePrecarriageBy,BristlePlaceofReceiptHead

[Part: BristlePrecarriageBy]

Width : 47 mms
Height : 8 mms
Line : BristlePrecarriage,BristlePrecarriageBy
Border : Thin Right

[Line: BristlePrecarriage]

Field : BristlePrecarriage
Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms

[Field: BristlePrecarriage]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : ‘Pre-Carriage by’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristlePrecarriageBy]

Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom : 1 mms
Fields : BristlePrecarriageBy
Border : Thin Bottom

[Field: BristlePrecarriageBy]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : $ShippedBy
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristlePlaceofReceiptHead]

Width : 47 mms
Height : 8 mms
Lines : BristlePlaceofReceiptHead,BristlePlaceofReceipt

[Line: BristlePlaceofReceiptHead]

Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms
Field : BristlePlaceofReceiptHead

[Field: BristlePlaceofReceiptHead]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : ‘Place of Receipt by Pre-carrier’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristlePlaceofReceipt]

Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom : 1 mms
Field : BristlePlaceofReceipt
Border : Thin Bottom

[Field: BristlePlaceofReceipt]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : $PlaceOfReceipt
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristleVesselNoHead]

Width : 94 mms
Height : 8 mms
Parts : BristleVesselNo,BristlePortofLoadingHead

[Part: BristleVesselNo]

Width : 47 mms
Height : 8 mms
Lines : BristleVesselNoHead,BristleVesselNo
Border : Thin Right

[Line: BristleVesselNoHead]

Fields : BristleVesselNoHead
Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms

[Field: BristleVesselNoHead]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : ‘Vessel / Flight No’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristleVesselNo]

Field : BristleVesselNo
Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom : 1 mms
Border : Thin Bottom

[Field: BristleVesselNo]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : $ShipVesselNo
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristlePortofLoadingHead]

Width : 47 mms
Height : 8 mms
Lines : BristlePortofLoadingHead,BristlePortofLoading

[Line: BristlePortofLoadingHead]

Field : BristlePortofLoadingHead
Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Field: BristlePortofLoadingHead]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : ‘Port of Loadding’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristlePortofLoading]

Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom: 1 mms
Field : BristlePortofLoading
Border : Thin Bottom

[Field: BristlePortofLoading]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : $PortOfLoading
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristlePortOfDischargeHead]

Width : 94 mms
Height : 9 mms
Parts : BristlePortOfDischarge,BristlePlaceOfDeliveryHead

[Part: BristlePortOfDischarge]

Width : 47 mms
Height : 9 mms
Lines : BristlePortOfDischargeHead,BristlePortOfDischarge
Border : Thin Right

[Line: BristlePortOfDischargeHead]

Field : BristlePortOfDischargeHead
Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Field: BristlePortOfDischargeHead]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : ‘Port of Discharge’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristlePortOfDischarge]

Field : BristlePortOfDischarge
Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms

[Field: BristlePortOfDischarge]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : $PortOfDischarge
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristlePlaceOfDeliveryHead]

Width : 47 mms
Height : 9 mms
Lines : BristlePlaceOfDeliveryHead,BristlePlaceOfDelivery

[Line: BristlePlaceOfDeliveryHead]

Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms
Field : BristlePlaceOfDeliveryHead

[Field: BristlePlaceOfDeliveryHead]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : ‘Place of Delivery’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristlePlaceOfDelivery]

Height : 3 mms
Field : BristlePlaceOfDelivery
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Field: BristlePlaceOfDelivery]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : $FinalDestination
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristleBuyerDet]

Height : 76 mms
Width : 93 mms
Parts : BristleBuyerAddress,BristleGoodsDet,BristleExportDet
Vertical: Yes

[Part: BristleBuyerAddress]

Height : 35 mms
Width : 93 mms
Lines : BristleBuyerTo,BristleBuyerName,BristleBuyerAdd
Repeat : BristleBuyerAdd : Address

[Line: BristleBuyerTo]

Field: BristleBuyerTo

[Field: BristleBuyerTo]

Width : 93 mms
Set As : ‘Buyer(if other than consignee)’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristleBuyerName]

Field : Bristle BuyerName

[Field: BristleBuyerName]

Width : 93 mms
Space Left : 5 mms
Set As : @@InvPartyName
Style : Normal Bold

[Line: BristleBuyerAdd]

Field: BristleBuyerAdd

[Field: BristleBuyerAdd]

Width : 93 mms
Space Left : 5 mms
Set As : $Address

[Part: BristleGoodsDet]

Width : 93 mms
Height : 8 mms
Parts : BristleGoodsDetHead,BristleGoodsFinalDestinationHead

[Part: BristleGoodsDetHead]

Width : 46 mms
Height : 8 mms
Lines : BristleGoodsDetHead,BristleGoodsDet
Border : Thin Right

[Line: BristleGoodsDetHead]

Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms
Border : Thin Top
Field : BristleGoodsDetHead

[Field: BristleGoodsDetHead]

Width : 46 mms
Set As : ‘Country of Origin of Goods’
Space Left : 2 mms
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristleGoodsDet]

Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom : 1 mms
Field : BristleGoodsDet
Border : Thin Bottom

[Field: BristleGoodsDet]

Width : 46 mms
Set As : @@CountryOrgin
Space Left : 2 mms
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristleGoodsFinalDestinationHead]

Width : 47 mms
Height : 8 mms
Lines : BristleGoodsFinalDestinationHead,BristleGoodsFinalDestination

[Line: BristleGoodsFinalDestinationHead]

Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom : 2 mms
Field : BristleGoodsFinalDestinationHead
Border : Thin Top

[Field: BristleGoodsFinalDestinationHead]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : ‘Country of Final Destination’
Space Left : 2 mms
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Small

[Line: BristleGoodsFinalDestination]

Height : 3 mms
Space Bottom : 1 mms
Field : BristleGoodsFinalDestination
Border : Thin Bottom

[Field: BristleGoodsFinalDestination]

Width : 47 mms
Set As : $DestinationCountry
Space Left : 2 mms
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristleExportDet]

Width : 93 mms
Height : 33 mms
Repeat : BristleExportDet : OrderTerms
Line : BristleExportDetHead,BristleExportDet

[Line: BristleExportDetHead]

Field : BristleExportDetHead

[Field: BristleExportDetHead]

Width : 93 mms
Set As : ‘Terms of Delivery and Payment’
Space Left : 2 mms
Style : Small

[Line: BristleExportDet]

Field : BristleExportDet

[Field: BristleExportDet]

Width : 93 mms
Set As : $OrderTerms
Space Left : 2 mms
Style : Normal Bold

;———————- BODY PART ——————————————————————-

[Part: BristleBodyPart]

Parts : BristleBuyerDetails, Bristlecolchk
Vertical : Yes

[Part: Bristlecolchk]

Parts : BristleColHeads, BristleInventoryPart
Vertical : Yes
Border : Thin Left Right

[Part: BristleColHeads]

Lines : BristleItemsDesHead, BristleItemsDesHead1

[Line: BristleItemsDesHead]

Fields : BristleItemMarks, BristleItemPackages, BristleItemDescription, BristleItemQty, BristleItemRate
Right Field : BristleItemAmount
PrePrinted : Yes

[Field: BristleItemMarks]

Set As : “Sl No”
Width : 23 mms
Align : Left
Style : Normal Bold

[Field: BristleItemPackages]

Set As : “Item Name”
Width : 34 mms
Align : Center
Style : Normal Bold

[Field: BristleItemDescription]

Set As : “Group Name”
Width : 59 mms
Align : Center
Style : Normal Bold

[Field: BristleItemQty]

Set As : “Quantity”
Width : 24 mms
Align : Center
Border : Thin Left
Style : Normal Bold

[Field: BristleItemRate]

Set As : “Rate”
Width : 23 mms
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Style : Normal Bold

[Field: BristleItemAmount]

Set As : “Amount”
Width : 24 mms
Align : Center
Border : Thin Left
Style : Normal Bold

[Line: BristleItemsDesHead1]

Use : BristleItemsDesHead

Local : Field : Default : Set As : “”

PrePrinted : Yes
Border : Thin Bottom

[Part: BristleInventoryPart]

Parts : BristleItemsDes, BristleStockGroupTotal, BristleLedgerTotal
Vertical : Yes
Scroll : Vertical
Common Border : Yes

[Part: BristleItemsDes]

Line : BristleStockGroup
Repeat : BristleStockGroup : BristleStockGroup

[Line: BristleStockGroup]

Use : BristleItemsDesHead

Local : Field : BristleItemMarks : Set As : “”
Local : Field : BristleItemPackages : Set As : “”
Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Set As : $Name
Local : Field : BristleItemQty : Set As : “”
Local : Field : BristleItemRate : Set As : “”
Local : Field : BristleItemAmount : Set As : “”

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Style : Normal Bold

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Align : Centre

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Variable : StockGroupName

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : SubTitle : Yes

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Border : Flush Thin Bottom

Explode : BristleStockItemsPart : NOT $$IsEmpty:$VchStkGrpValue
Empty : NOT @@InVoucherList

[Part: BristleStockItemsPart]

Lines : BristleItemsDes,BristleItemTotal
Repeat : BristleItemsDes : BristleInvCollection
Total : ItemAmount
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Line: BristleItemsDes]

Fields : ItemMarks,ItemDescription,ItemQty,ItemRemarks
Right Field : ItemAmount
Empty : $$IsEmpty:$BristleQty

[Field: ItemMarks]

Use : Name Field
Set As : $$Line
Width : 23 mms
Align : Left
Style : Normal

[Field: ItemDescription]

Type : String
Set As : $Name
Width : 93 mms
Style : Normal
Align : Left

[Field: ItemQty]

Use : Qty Primary Field
Set As : $BristleQty
Width : 24 mms
Align : Right
Style : Normal Bold

[Field: ItemRemarks]

Set As : $BristleAmount / $BristleQty
Width : 23 mms
Align : Right

[Field: ItemAmount]

Use : Amount Base Field
Set As : $BristleAmount
Width : 28 mms
Style : Normal Bold
Align : Right

[Line: BristleItemTotal]

Fields : BristleTotalDescription,BristleTotalQty,BristleTotalRemarks
Right Field : BristleTotalAmount
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Field: BristleTotalDescription]

Set As : “Total”
Width : 115 mms
Align : Right
Space Right : 2 mms

[Field: BristleTotalQty]

Set As : ” “
Width : 24 mms

[Field: BristleTotalRemarks]

Set As : ” “
Width : 23 mms

[Field: BristleTotalAmount]

Set As : $$Total:ItemAmount
Width : 24 mms
Inactive : $$NumItems:LedgerEntries <= 1
Align : Right
Border : Totals

[Part: BristleStockGroupTotal]

Line : BristleStockGroupTotal,BristleStockGroupGrandTotal
Repeat : BristleStockGroupTotal : BristleStockGroup
Total : StkGpTotalValue

[Line: BristleStockGroupTotal]

Fields : StkGpTotalMarks,StkGpTotalDescription,StkGpTotalValue,StkGpTotalQty,StkGpTotalRemarks,StkGpTotalAmount
Empty : NOT @@InVoucherList
Space Bottom : 2 mms

[Field: StkGpTotalMarks]

Set As : “”
Width : 23 mms

[Field: StkGpTotalDescription]

Type : String
Set As : $Name
Width : 73 mms
Style : Normal Bold
Align : Left
Variable : StockGroupName

[Field: StkGpTotalValue]

Use : Amount Base Field
Set As : $VchStkGrpValue
Width : 20 mms
Align : Right

[Field: StkGpTotalQty]

Set As : “”
Width : 24 mms

[Field: StkGpTotalRemarks]

Set As : “”
Width : 23 mms

[Field: StkGpTotalAmount]

Set As : “”
Width : 24 mms

[Line: BristleStockGroupGrandTotal]

Use : BristleItemTotal

Local : Field : BristleTotalDescription : Set As : “Sub Total”
Local : Field : BristleTotalQty : Set As : “”
Local : Field : BristleTotalRemarks : Set As : “”
Local : Field : BristleTotalAmount : Set As : $$Total:StkGpTotalValue

Local : Field : BristleTotalDescription : Space Right : 2 mms

Local : Field : BristleTotalDescription : Style : Normal Bold Italic
Local : Field : BristleTotalAmount : Style : Normal Bold

Local : Field : BristleTotalAmount : Delete : Border : Totals

[Part: BristleLedgerTotal]

Line : BristleItemLedgers
Repeat : BristleItemLedgers : LedgerEntries

Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Line: BristleItemLedgers]

Fields : LedgerItemDescription,LedgerItemQty,LedgerItemRemarks
Right Field : LedgerItemAmount

[Field: LedgerItemDescription]

Type : String
Set As : $LedgerName
Width : 116 mms
Align : Right
Style : Normal Bold Italic
Space Right : 3 mms

[Field: LedgerItemQty]

Use : Qty Primary Field
Set As : ‘ ‘
Width : 24 mms
Align : Right

[Field: LedgerItemRemarks]

Set As : If $$IsEmpty:$RateOfInvoiceTax Then “” Else $$String:$RateOfInvoiceTax + ‘ %’
Width : 23 mms
Align : Right
Space Right : 2 mms

[Field: LedgerItemAmount]

Use : Amount Base Field
Set As : $Amount
Width : 27 mms
Align : Right

;———————————- BOTTOM PART———————————————————-

[Part: BristleBottomPart]

Parts : BristleAmtInWords,BristleDeclPart
Vertical : Yes
Border : Thin Box

;———————————- PART AMOUNT IN WORDS———————————————————-
[Part: BristleAmtInWords]
Height : 57 mms
Left Part : BristleAmtInWordsHead
Right Part : BristleTotalAmt

[Part: BristleAmtInWordsHead]

Width : 150 mms
Height : 57 mms
Lines : BristleAmtInWordsHead,BristleAmtInWordsTitle,BristleAmtInWords,BristleCertify

[Line: BristleAmtInWordsHead]

Field : BristleAmtInWordsHead
Space Top : 1 mms
Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom: 1 mms

[Field: BristleAmtInWordsHead]

Width : 150 mms
Set As : ‘Amount Chargeable’
Style : Small
PrePrinted : yes

[Line: BristleAmtInWordsTitle]

Field : BristleAmtInWordsTitle
Space Top : 1 mms
Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom: 1 mms

[Field: BristleAmtInWordsTitle]

Width : 150 mms
Set As : ‘(In Words)’
Style : Small
PrePrinted : yes

[Line: BristleAmtInWords]

Space Top : 3 mms
Height : 5 mms
Field : BristleAmtInWords
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Field: BristleAmtInWords]

Width : 150 mms
Set As : $$InWords:#EXPINVInvTotal + ‘ Only.’
Style : Normal Bold

[Line: BristleCertify]

Space Top : 3 mms
Height : 5 mms
Field : BristleCertify
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Field: BristleCertify]

Width : 150 mms
Set As : $IncomeTaxNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristleTotalAmt]

Width : 37 mms
Height : 57 mms
Parts : BristleTotalHead,BristleTotal

[Part: BristleTotalHead]

Width : 13 mms
Height : 8 mms
Line : BristleTotalAmt

[Line: BristleTotalAmt]

Field : BristleTotalAmt
Space Top : 2 mms
Height : 4 mms
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Field: BristleTotalAmt]

Width : 13 mms
Set As : ‘Total’
PrePrinted : Yes
Style : Normal Bold

[Part: BristleTotal]

Width : 24 mms
Height : 8 mms
Line : BristleTotal

[Line: BristleTotal]

Space Top : 2 mms
Height : 4 mms
Space Bottom: 2 mms
Right Field : BristleTotal

[Field: BristleTotal]

Width : 21 mms
Set As : #EXPINVInvTotal
Style : Normal Bold
Align : Right

;———————————- PART DECLARATION———————————————————-
[Part: BristleDeclPart]

Left Part : BristleDeclarationItem
Right Part : BristleInvFor
Height : 16 mms

[Part: BristleDeclarationItem]

Width : 116 mms
Lines : BristleDeclarationItem,BristleDeclarationLine1,BristleDeclarationLine2
Border : Thin Right
PrePrinted : Yes

[Line: BristleDeclarationItem]

Field : BristleDeclarationItem

[Field: BristleDeclarationItem]

Width : 116 mms
Set As : ‘Declaration’
Space Left : 2 mms

[Line: BristleDeclarationLine1]

Use : BristleDeclarationItem

Local : Field : BristleDeclarationItem : Set as : ‘We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods’

[Line: BristleDeclarationLine2]

Use : BristleDeclarationItem

Local : Field : BristleDeclarationItem : Set as : ‘described and that all particulars are true and correct’

[Part: BristleInvFor]

Width : 71 mms
Lines : BristleInvForHead,BristleInvFor

[Line: BristleInvForHead]

Field : BristleInvForHead
Space Top : 2 mms
Height : 2 mms
Space Bottom: 2 mms
Border : Thin Top

[Field: BristleInvForHead]

Width : 73 mms
Set As : ‘Signature & Date’
Style : Normal Bold
PrePrinted : Yes
Space Left : 2 mms

[Line: BristleInvFor]

Field : BristleInvFor
Space Bottom: 2 mms

[Field: BristleInvFor]

Width : 71 mms
Set As : ‘ ‘
Space Left : 2 mms

;———————————–SYSTEM FORMULA——————————————-
[System: Formula]

BristlePageNo : If $$PageNo = 1 Then “” Else (” (Page ” + $$String:$$PageNo + “)”)
InVoucherList : $$ReportObject:$$FilterCount:InventoryEntries:LineForStkGrp > 0
LineForStkGrp : $Parent:StockItem:$StockItemName = $$ReqObject:$Name
LineForStkItm : $StockItemName = $$ReqObject:$Name

;———————————–OBJECT MODIFICATIONS——————————————-
[#Object: StockGroup]

VchStkGrpValue : $$ReportObject:$$FilterAmtTotal:InventoryEntries:LineForStkGrp:$Amount

[#Object: StockItem]

BristleQty : $$ReportObject:$$FilterQtyTotal:InventoryEntries:LineForStkItm:$BilledQty
BristleAmount : $$ReportObject:$$FilterAmtTotal:InventoryEntries:LineForStkItm:$Amount

;———————————–COLLECTION CREATION——————————————-

[Collection: BristleStockGroup]

Type : Stock Group
With Alias : No

[Collection: BristleInvCollection]

Type : Stock Item
Childof : #StockGroupName
BelongsTo : Yes

;; End of File

Step 2: अब above code को Save करने के बाद Tally Prime पर TDL File अपलोड करें ( और अगर आपको Tally Prime पर TDL File upload करने का तरीका नहीं पता है तो नीचे दिए गए Link पर Click करें जो आपको Tally Prime पर TDL File अपलोड करने के लिए Guide करेगा )

Step 3: Create a Stock Group  Go to Gateway of Tally -> Create > Inventory Master -> Stock Group -> Create.

Step 4: Create a Stock Item Go to Gateway of Tally -> Create > Inventory Master -> Stock Item -> Create.

Step 5: Pass the Sales Invoice as shown below.
a. Go to the Gateway of Tally -> Vouchers -> F8: Sales

b. Displayed below is the Sales Invoice Voucher where Stock Items are allocated with
Quantity and Rates.

Step 6: Displayed below is the print of the Sales Invoice showing the Group Name for the respective Item Name.

और इस तरह से आप Tally prime में  Stock GroupWise Inventory invoice पे देख सकते है ।

धन्यवाद दोस्तों! अगर आपको ये आर्टिक्ल पसंद आया हैं तो इसको सोशल मीडिया पर अपने दोस्तो के साथ जरूर से शेयर कीजिए, जिससे उनको भी ये जानकारी प्राप्त हो सके।

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[elementor-template id=”37309″]

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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