200+ Google Slides Keyboard Shortcuts Keys Download in PDF & Excel File

Google made a purchase. Google Slides (previously Google Presentations) is a free presentation online tool, according to Writely. It has almost all of the features of a standard presenting application like Microsoft PowerPoint. Google Slides has cloud storage, which means that users’ work is automatically saved and can be restored even if their hard drive or SSD dies. Images, structured text, animations, and other media may all be included in Google Slides. The usage of a number of different templates. Editing transitions between presentations are possible. Editing that may be shared between computing devices and other people. The presentation file types.ppt,.pptx,.pptm,.pps,.ppsx,.ppsm,.pot,.potx, and.potm are all supported by Google Slides.

Online users can create and edit files while workingg together in real-time. The user’s edits are tracked, and the changes are displayed in the revision history. The position of an editor is indicated by a special color and cursor, and a permissions system limits what users may do. Machine learning features such as “Explore,” which suggests layouts and graphics for presentations, and “Action items,” which allow users to delegate tasks to other users, have been included in recent updates. The Slides interface will show when you create a new presentation in Google Slides. The toolbar, as well as the primary view of your presentation, are displayed in this interface. It lets you make and alter slides, pick a theme, and share your presentation with others.

Google Slides will invite you to select a theme when you initially create a new presentation. Themes allow you to modify the general look of your presentation quickly and easily. Each theme includes its own color scheme, typefaces, and slide layouts. Choose a theme from the right-hand panel, and it will be applied to the rest of your presentation. A typical menu structure with a shortcut toolbar is used in the Google Slides interface. The instructions are categorized by function in the menus. Some frequently used commands are represented by buttons on the shortcut toolbar. You may reduce the size of the menu bar to make more room for your slides.

Click it again to bring up the menu bar. The Zoom shortcut allows you to zoom in and out of your presentation. Then, in the shortcut toolbar, click Zoom and drag the mouse cursor over your slide. The cursor will transform into a magnifying glass with a plus sign within. You may now zoom in or out by left-clicking or right-clicking. Return your cursor to normal by using the Escape key on your keyboard. Click the Present button to the right of the options when you’re ready to share your presentation—or if you want to preview how it will look during a presentation. Additional presentation choices may be accessed by clicking the drop-down arrow.

In this article we will know about the shortcuts of google slides, Nowadays nobody wants to do work the hard way so that is why we are providing you the shortcuts keys of google slide through which you can speed up your work by using the keyboard shortcuts for some of the function you use often. Below is the list of some common ones for a PC that you might find helpful.

Google Slides Keyboard Shortcuts Keys

Common Actions

New slide Ctrl + m
Duplicate slide Ctrl + d
Undo Ctrl + z
Redo Ctrl + y
Ctrl + Shift + z
Copy Ctrl + c
Cut Ctrl + x
Paste Ctrl + v
Open link Alt + Enter
Delete Delete
Select all Ctrl + a
Select none Ctrl + Shift + a
Insert link Ctrl + k
Insert comment Alt + Ctrl + m

Film Strip Actions

Move focus to previous slide Alt + Up arrow
Up arrow
Move focus to next slide Alt + Down arrow
Down arrow
Extend selection to previous slide Shift + Up arrow
Extend selection to next slide Shift + Down arrow
Move slide up Ctrl + Up arrow
Move slide down Ctrl + Down arrow


Move to filmstrip Ctrl + Alt + Shift + f
Move to canvas Ctrl + Alt + Shift + c
Open speaker notes panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + s

Text Formatting

Bold Ctrl + b
Italic Ctrl + i
Underline Ctrl + u
Subscript Ctrl + ,
Superscript Ctrl + .
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Clear formatting Ctrl + \
Ctrl + Space
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + <
Left align Ctrl + Shift + l
Right align Ctrl + Shift + r
Center align Ctrl + Shift + e
Justify Ctrl + Shift + j
Increase indent Ctrl + ]
Decrease indent Ctrl + [
Bulleted list Ctrl + Shift + 8
Numbered list Ctrl + Shift + 7

Move and Arrange Objects

Duplicate Ctrl + d
Group Alt + Ctrl + g
Ungroup Shift + Alt + Ctrl + g
Send backward Ctrl + Down arrow
Bring forward Ctrl + Up arrow
Send to back Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Bring to front Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Select next shape Tab
Select the previous shape Shift + Tab
Nudge up, down, left, or right Arrow keys
Nudge one pixel at a time Shift + Arrow keys
Rotate counterclockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Right arrow
Rotate counterclockwise by 15° Alt + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 15° Alt + Right arrow
Resize larger horizontally Ctrl + Alt + b
Resize larger vertically Ctrl + Alt + i
Resize smaller Ctrl + Alt + j
Resize larger Ctrl + Alt + k
Resize smaller horizontally Ctrl + Alt + w
Zoom in Ctrl + Alt and +
Zoom out Ctrl + Alt and –
Move to filmstrip Ctrl + Alt + Shift + f
Move to canvas Ctrl + Alt + Shift + c
Open speaker notes panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + s
Change to HTML view of the presentation Ctrl + Alt + Shift + p
Open animations panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + b
Continue in animation preview Enter
Open Explore Ctrl + Alt + Shift + i
Go to side panel Ctrl + Alt + .
Ctrl + Alt + ,
Open dictionary Ctrl + Shift + y
Open revision history panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + h
Open-cell border selection (for tables) holding Ctrl + Alt, press e then p
Play the selected video Enter
Present slides Ctrl + F5
Exit the current mode Esc


Context menu Ctrl + Shift + \
Ctrl + Shift + x
File menu in Google Chrome: Alt + f
other browsers: Alt + Shift + f
Edit menu in Google Chrome: Alt + e
other browsers: Alt + Shift + e
View menu in Google Chrome: Alt + v
other browsers: Alt + Shift + v
Insert menu in Google Chrome: Alt + i
other browsers: Alt + Shift + i
Format menu in Google Chrome: Alt + o
other browsers: Alt + Shift + o
Tools menu in Google Chrome: Alt + t
other browsers: Alt + Shift + t
Help menu in Google Chrome: Alt + h
other browsers: Alt + Shift + h
Accessibility menu in Google Chrome: Alt + a
(present when screen reader support is enabled) other browsers: Alt + Shift + a
Input tools menu Ctrl + Alt + Shift + k
(available in presentations in non-Latin languages)
Toggle input controls Ctrl + Shift + k
(available in presentations in non-Latin languages)
Insert comment Ctrl + Alt + m
Enter current comment holding Ctrl + Enter
Move to the next comment in the presentation holding Ctrl + Alt, press n then c
Move to the previous comment in the presentation holding Ctrl + Alt, press p then c
When the focus is on the comment, move to the next comment j
When the focus is on the comment, move to the previous comment k
When the focus is on the comment, reply to comment r
When the focus is on the comment, resolve comment e
Open comment discussion thread Ctrl + Alt + Shift + a
Bold Ctrl + b
Italic Ctrl + i
Underline Ctrl + u
Subscript Ctrl + ,
Superscript Ctrl + .
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Clear formatting Ctrl + \
Ctrl + Space
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + <
Left align Ctrl + Shift + l
Right align Ctrl + Shift + r
Center align Ctrl + Shift + e
Justify Ctrl + Shift + j
Move paragraph down Alt + Shift + Down arrow
Move paragraph up Alt + Shift + Up arrow
Increase indent Ctrl + ]
Decrease indent Ctrl + [
Bulleted list Ctrl + Shift + 8
Numbered list Ctrl + Shift + 7
Select list item holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press e then i
Select list items at current level holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press e then o
Move to next text formatting change holding Ctrl + Alt, press n then w
Move to previous text formatting change holding Ctrl + Alt, press p then w
Move to next misspelling Ctrl + ‘
Move to previous misspelling Ctrl + ;
Move and arrange objects
Duplicate Ctrl + d
Group Ctrl + Alt + g
Ungroup Ctrl + Alt + Shift + g
Send backward Ctrl + Down arrow
Bring forward Ctrl + Up arrow
Send to back Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Bring to front Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Select next shape Tab
Select the previous shape Shift + Tab
Nudge up, down, left, or right Arrow keys
Nudge one pixel at a time Shift + Arrow keys
Rotate counterclockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Right arrow
Rotate counterclockwise by 15° Alt + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 15° Alt + Right arrow
Resize larger horizontally Ctrl + Alt + b
Resize larger vertically Ctrl + Alt + i
Resize smaller Ctrl + Alt + j
Resize larger Ctrl + Alt + k
Resize smaller vertically Ctrl + Alt + q
Resize smaller horizontally Ctrl + Alt + w
Exit crop mode Enter
Suppress guides Alt + Move with mouse
Duplicate Ctrl + Move with mouse
Resize from center Ctrl + Resize with mouse
Constrain to vertical or horizontal movements Shift + Move with mouse
Constrain to object’s aspect ratio Shift + Resize with mouse
Constrain to 15° rotation increments Shift + Rotate with mouse
Stop presenting Esc
Go to specific slide (7 followed by entering goes to slide 7) Number followed by Enter
First slide Home
Last slide End
Open speaker notes s
Open audience tools a
Toggle laser pointer l
Print Ctrl + p
Toggle captions (English only) Ctrl + Shift + c
Toggle full screen F11
Show a blank black slide b or .
Return to the presentation from a blank black slide Press any key
Show a blank white slide w or ,
Return to the presentation from a blank white slide Press any key
Video Player
Toggle play/pause k
Rewind 10 seconds u
Fast forward 10 seconds o
The previous frame (while paused) Shift + ,
Next frame (while paused) Shift + .
Decrease playback rate Ctrl + Shift + ,
Increase playback rate Ctrl + Shift + .
Seek to a specific point in the video (Shift+7 advances to 70% of duration) Shift + 0..9
Toggle captions on/off c
Toggle full screen f
Toggle mute m
Screen reader support
Speak selection Ctrl + Alt + x
Enable screen reader support Ctrl + Alt + z
Learn more about using Google Slides with a screen reader Alt + Shift + ~
Enable braille support Ctrl + Alt + h
Speak from the cursor location Ctrl + Alt + r
Announce formatting at the cursor location holding Ctrl + Alt, press a then f

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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