100+ Adobe Premiere Pro Shortcuts keys List Download in PDF & Excel File

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software program developed by Adobe Systems. Premiere Pro is a video editing program that may be used to edit films, commercials, and other types of cinema, television, and web video. It also has audio editing capabilities. It is a complete video editing software product that can be purchased alone or as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud. On creative projects, Premiere Pro is frequently used in conjunction with After Effects and Photoshop. Both Mac and Windows operating systems are supported by Premiere Pro.


General Shortcuts

Action Windows Shortcuts Mac Shortcuts
New Project Ctrl + Shift + N Option + Command + N
Save Project Ctrl + S Command + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S Shift + Command + S
Save Copy Ctrl + Alt + S Option + Command + S
Close Ctrl + W Command + W
Close Project Shift + Command + W
Title Ctrl + T Command + T
Open Existing project Ctrl + O Command + O
Open in Adobe bridge Ctrl + Alt + O Option + Command + O
Sequence Ctrl + N Command + N
Exit Ctrl + Q Command + Q
Import Ctrl + I Command + I
Import from media browser Ctrl + Alt + I Option + Command + I
Media Ctrl + M Command + M
Find Ctrl + F Command + F
Selection Ctrl + Shift + H Shift + Command + H
Copy Ctrl + C Command + C
Cut Ctrl + X Command + X
Paste Ctrl + V Command + V
Undo Ctrl + Z Command + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y Command + Y
Select All Ctrl + A Command + A
Deselect all Ctrl + Shift + A Shift + Command + A
Edit Ctrl + E Command + E
Paste insert Ctrl + Shift + V Shift + Command + V
Paste attributes Ctrl + Alt + V Option + Command + V
Clear Delete Forward Delete
Delete forever Shift + Delete Shift + Forward Delete
Duplicate Ctrl + Shift + / Shift + Command + /
Bin Command + /

Clipping Shortcuts

Action Windows Shortcuts Mac Shortcuts
Link Ctrl + L Command + L
Group Ctrl + G Command + G
Ungroup Ctrl + Shift + G Shift + Command + G
Speed Ctrl + R Command + R
Capture F5 F5
Insert , ,
Overwrite . .
Add edit Ctrl + K Command + K
Add edit to track Ctrl + Shift + K Command + Shift + K
Video transition Ctrl + D Command + D
Audio transition Ctrl + Shift + D Command + Shift + D
Reverse match frame Shift + R Shift + R
Zoom in = =
Zoom out
Snap S S
Go to the selected clip start Shift + Home Shift + Home
Go to selected clip end Shift + End Shift + End
Go to sequence clip start Home Home
Go to sequence clip end End End
Increase volume ] ]
Decrease volume [ [
Minimize all tracks Shift + – Shift + –
Next in sequence Shift + +
Previous in sequence Option + +
Make Subclip Command + U
Audio Channels Shift + G

Marker Operation Shortcuts

Action Windows Shortcuts Mac Shortcuts
Mark in I I
Mark out O O
Mark clip X X
Mark selection / /
Go to in Shift + I Shift + I
Go to out Shift + O Shift + O
Clear in Ctrl + Shift + I Option + I
Clear out Ctrl + Shift + O Option + O
Clear in and out Ctrl + Shift + X Option + X
Add marker M M
Previous marker Ctrl + Shift + M Command + Shift + M
Next marker Shift + M Shift + M
Clear current marker Ctrl + Alt + M Option + M
left align Ctrl + Shift + L Command + Shift + L
Center align Ctrl + Shift + C Command + Shift + C
Right align Ctrl + Shift + R Command Shift + R
Stopping tab Ctrl + Shift + T Command + Shift + T
Templates Ctrl + J Command + J

Window Shortcuts

Action Windows Shortcuts Mac Shortcuts
Project Shift + 1 Shift + 1
Source monitor Shift + 2 Shift + 2
Timeline Shift + 3 Shift + 3
Program monitor Shift + 4 Shift + 4
Effect control Shift + 5 Shift + 5
Audio track mixer Shift + 6 Shift + 6
Effects Shift + 7 Shift + 7
Media browser Shift + 8 Shift + 8
Audio clip mixer Shift + 9 Shift + 9
Cut to camera Ctrl + 1 to 9 Command + 1 to 9
Clear poster frame Ctrl + Shift + P Command + Shift + P
Export frame Ctrl + Shift + E Command + Shift + E
Select camera 1 to 9 1 to 9
Replace current workplace Option + Shift + 0

Panel Shortcuts

Action Windows Shortcuts Mac Shortcuts
Record video V V
Record audio A A
Eject E E
Fast forward F F
Go to in point Q Q
Go to out point W W
Rewind R R
Record G G
Stop S S
Step back
Step forward
Remove effects Backspace Delete
Play Spacebar Spacebar
Record on/off 0 0
Shuttle stop K
Shuttle right J
Shuttle stop L

Tools Shortcuts

Action Windows Shortcuts Mac Shortcuts
Track select tool A A
Ripple edit tool B B
Razor tool C C
Hand tool H H
Rolling edit tool N N
Pen tool P P
Slide tool U U
Selection tool V V
Slip tool Y Y
Zoom tool Z Z

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website (TechGuruPlus.com) and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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