VBA code that you can use to insert a linked picture in Excel.
VBA Code:
Sub InsertLinkedPicture()
Dim filePath As String
Dim pictureTopLeftCell As Range
Dim pictureWidth As Long
Dim pictureHeight As Long
Dim picture As Picture
' Set the file path of the picture
filePath = "C:\Path\To\Picture.jpg" ' Change the path and filename as desired
' Set the top-left cell for the picture placement
Set pictureTopLeftCell = Range("A1") ' Change the cell reference as desired
' Set the dimensions of the picture
pictureWidth = 200 ' Change the width as desired
pictureHeight = 200 ' Change the height as desired
' Insert the linked picture
Set picture = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(filePath)
' Set the picture properties
With picture
.Left = pictureTopLeftCell.Left
.Top = pictureTopLeftCell.Top
.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Width = pictureWidth
.Height = pictureHeight
.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
.ShapeRange.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = filePath
End With
' Inform the user that the linked picture has been inserted
MsgBox "The linked picture has been inserted!"
End Sub