How to Become a Pro Content Writer in 2023

Are you thinking of becoming a professional content writer? Good. But before we get started, there are a few things you should know, content writing is one of the best ways to make money or earn money depending on why you do it in the first place. Content writing is like any other thing it requires practice and skill.

It’s easy to think that you can crack your wallet, start writing and become the next Neil Patel, but that’s not the case. Anyone can get a name and can order the business card but if you want to build a positive reputation, attract consistent referrals, and actually make money, you have to take things slow and hard. It is important to note that you need to spend enough time to:

  • Learn to write clearly
  • Find a slot
  • Understand your content marketing strategy
  • After this, you will notice a huge difference in quality and workflow when next time you write content.

✅Do keyword research before writing your content

Content must be taught and it needs to entertain. But people cannot do these things unless they discover them first. So SEO is a must for all content writers. In fact, Google changed its algorithm 13 times in 2017 alone. If you don’t stay up-to-date on SEO, you’ll be left in the dust.

I’ll show you how to do SEO for the content on the page, but keyword research is more important.

how to become a pro content writerA keyword is a phrase that a user types into a search engine to find a specific resource. 

Before writing content, I recommend doing keyword research so you know exactly what terms to include when you start. If you need keyword inspiration? Go to Google and play the “alphabet soup” game on this one. Type a keyword after each letter of the alphabet and the auto-suggest feature will inspire you more than seeing the Mona Lisa.

✅ Having on-page SEO blueprints

Every piece of content you produce should be purer than wax. Confused content doesn’t rank and bother users because it’s not organized. That’s why every content writer should create an SEO plan that can be applied to every blog post they write. This will save you time, and effort and help you consistently improve your ranking in SERPs.

Next, formatting is something you should include in your SEO plan. Set a specific word count for each blog post. Search engines favor long-form content because it includes more value and information.I also recommend adding a few photos and videos to include in each piece of content. Planning all these aspects in advance allows writers to create effective content.

✅ Never use plagiarized content ever

Remember when your teacher told you not to copy and paste things in school? Yes, this work now never ever steals others’ content. First, it completely destroys your SEO. Google hates duplicate content, especially if it’s obviously stolen. No matter how broad you are as a writer, there may be some content that is reflected in another piece.

Those days are gone when you can’t easily see such copies, search engines are smarter than ever.

Whether it’s a business or a personal brand, it’s important to produce unique content. Ideally, content should be written from scratch to save duplication. Sometimes you need to find content quickly and that’s where the Rephrasing tool is valuable. With this tool, you can make sure your content is consistent and copy-free.

check copied content

✅ Attach a lead magnet to the content

Lead magnets are not refrigerator magnets. Free resources that you offer in exchange for users’ personal information. Lead magnets are usually ebooks, mock papers, white papers, and case studies. Once you have created a lead magnet, it is effective to link directly to the content.

Content should deliver results at the end of the day, right? So it makes sense to maximize the amount of free resources you or your customers generate by promoting them more aggressively.

✅ Sounds like the reader’s best friend

The voice and tone you use in your content must be great. If the words and tone do not resonate with the reader, it is unlikely to resonate or stick to them. So a friendly and casual tone is universally effective.

You can talk to any audience, beginners or experts in the topic, and they will be happy. The next time you try to write an article, write as you speak. You will find that your sentences are more interesting, meaningful, and organic. It doesn’t feel forced or overly edited.

✅ Never ignore the editing process

Once you’ve written your content, it’s easy to wipe your brow and think your work is done; however, now it’s time to edit.

This is where you clean up the mistakes you made, add more information, and organize the points you made.  The purpose of editing is to make the content easy to consume and as useful as possible for the reader.

✅ Use data and statistics to back up a point

If we talk about some viral content on the internet there are tons of data, resources, and statistics. They use them to back up the point and make their content more authoritative.

Primary data from focus groups and questionnaires are amazing but it’s not required secondary data is also good. This includes:

  • Data and summary statistics
  • Case studies
  • Reports etc.

✅ Conclusion

Content writing is one of the most promising careers available today. If you love to write and want to help businesses sell their products or services, this could be the perfect career for you.

Content writers are in high demand and you can get a great experience. Every business needs a good website for effective digital marketing and every website need unique content. If you succeed, you will be in great demand.

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Nazim Khan (Author) 📞 +91 9536250020
[MBA in Finance]

Nazim Khan is an expert in Microsoft Excel. He teaches people how to use it better. He has been doing this for more than ten years. He is running this website ( and a YouTube channel called "Business Excel" since 2016. He shares useful tips from his own experiences to help others improve their Excel skills and careers.

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